Chapter 20: Batter-Up

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*****Not Edited*******

After Joe proposed to Vanessa and the water works finished, everyone settled for dessert. Eva had outdone herself tonight. Kathy and Joey helped serve the Lemon Mousse with fresh berries. The party continued till after 1 in the morning the guests slowly trickling out. Kathy had asked Eva to sneak out to the back yard to smoke weed. Eva decided to smoke with her this time. She was exhausted and the weed would help with the nerves she felt were frayed from having Marcos around.

"Dam Eva, I do miss your ass." she lighted the joint. They were sitting on the swings Vanessa had bought for her daughter and Darla.

Kathy had started community college that fall. She was no longer in school with Eva, they only saw each other on some of the weekends.

"I know I miss you too. Thank you for helping me out today."

"Are you kidding me, I wanted to see who Marcos was. Everyone but me knows who he is. How come you didn't mention how hot he was?" she smiled ruefully at her as she took a long hit.

The sound of a car door closing startled them both. There were a few guests left in the house and wondered who that was. Eva saw a dark shadow appear and smiled as she recognized Oscar.

"I just followed my nose and knew you'd be back here." he said to both but walked toward Kathy to take a hit of the joint.

Kathy giggled. "I know, I'm surprised Eva's hitting this shit. If I knew any better I would have gotten a blunt." she smiled at him.

"There's no need for that I'm a two hitter quitter Kathy, I just wanted a head change." Eva said.

"Here, take it, I'm gonna grab my stuff." she handed the joint to Oscar and went inside.

"So how did it go?" Oscar stood by smoking.

"It was nice. Kathy was a big help."

He nodded and passed her the joint. Eva took a couple of hits when the sound of leaves breaking caused them to look up. Marcos had materialized from the shadows and walked slowly toward them both. Eva and Oscar both stiffened at the sight of him approaching. Eva quickly rose, ready for battle. She took another hit, calming her nerves as she waited for him to say something.

"Sup Marcos." Oscar said.

"Hello Oscar." he looked at Eva and Oscar, he couldn't help the jealousy that was eating at him.

"Okay I'm ready. You still got the joint?" she asked looking at them both, rushing past Marcos. Unaware of the awkwardness.

"yeah, here you go." Eva passed her the joint. Kathy took a few hits and turned it off.

"Okay babe, I'm ready." she smiled at Oscar.

He grabbed her waist and kissed her lips chastely. "Vamonos. Later's Eva, good to see you Marcos."

"Bye Eva, nice to meet you finally Marcos." she quickly hugged Eva and ran toward Oscar's side, waving at Marcos goodbye.

"Yeah same here." Marcos responded. He looked at Kathy and Oscar, relief flooding through him. "Hey Oscar you got a minute?" his voice low.

"Yeah what's up?" he lightly pushed Kathy toward his car, keeping his guard up.

"I just want to apologize. When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong. I get why you did what you did."

Eva began to choke. Oscar looked at her and then back at Marcos.

"Nah, I apologize. It was stupid. Eva's a good friend, I was just trying to help her."

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