Chapter 9: The Chief

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Chief Gibbs sat on his chair, looking at the reports on his desk. 

He hadn't slept, his agitation was coming in waves. He had worked till midnight before making his way home to his wife and kids. He had attempted to sleep when he received the call about two officers dead. The call came in at four in the morning, upset about his lack of sleep he made his way back to his office. When he got the news that the two officers who were gunned down were Officer Michael Fitzgerald and Senior Officer Jeff Burrows, his lid finally blew off. 

He grit his teeth so hard that it made his head pulse from the pressure.

He decided to take a ride to the scene and there he saw movement everywhere. Police had corded off the scene and they had set up a tent as a base for the next hours the investigation will take place. 

Police on foot with police dogs had already began their preliminary investigation. They had swept the neighborhood for leads and asked all businesses around the area for any surveillance that might help. But of course in a neighborhood like this, no one saw shit– which only brought his frustration level higher.

Chief Gibbs had already given instructions not to release any information to the media until the necessary 48 hour policy.  After a couple of hours on scene, the Chief decided to head back to the office. There he began to give instructions on how they would handle this case. He knew the media would be on this like vultures; two officers dead and no witnesses. He cursed his luck. He knew this was a message but wasn't sure what. It wasn't until hours later he received a call on his private line.

"They shot him. They fucking shot him, he's dead," reported Officer Clary.

He froze at that. His body strained and his labored breath was heard loud in his head. "What do you mean?" His voice gritty.

"Cruz, they fucken shot him."

"Who?!" He thundered.

"I don't know, we don't know," he said urgently.

"What the fuck you mean, you don't know. What the hell happened? You were supposed to transport him, how the fuck did you fuck that up," his voice like venom. He stood and began to pace his office before slamming the door shut and locking it.

"I mean, we didn't see who the fuck shot him, the shot came from out of nowhere."

"Where are you now?" He shouted.

"We're here, ambulance and police are on the scene. They think the shooter was about 500 yards away, he was shot with a rifle, that's why we didn't see the shooter."

"Fuck!" He roared as he threw his phone to the floor. He had enough, the two officers and now Cruz was more of a coincidence for him. Someone was sending him a message. Well, two can play, I think I'll need to send a message myself, thought Officer Gibbs.


Joe is sitting comfortably when Eva came in with the kids, Freddy in tow. The kids happily talking, their bodies animated, while Eva's eyes were dark. A hellish look on her face. Freddy looked at him ruefully. Eva stormed past him without bothering to say hello. It was already past 8 at night as Eva made her way through the apartment. Calling Darla and Joe after her to begin their nightly routine.

Freddy sat next to Joe and clapped his arm on his shoulder.

"You did good Joe." Freddy acknowledge.

Joe smiled tightly. He turned in the direction of Eva and asked.

"She knows?"

"Yes, Marcos told her."

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