Chapter 14 : Subjection

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                                          *****NOT EDITED*****

Eva took the kids to Vanessa's house. She couldn't go home yet. She was in a state of shock. She couldn't believe her luck. Everything seemed to be unraveling. Vanessa was surprised to see them but one look at Eva's face she knew something was up.

Eva ordered the kids to play in the living room, giving her privacy to speak with Vanessa.

"What's up Eva. You're scaring me." Vanessa had never seen Eva so flustered.

"Vanessa, how much has Joe told you" She sat opposite of Vanessa.

"Well, I mean I know some of your background. I know that Joe is kinda your bodyguard, I know you and Marcos are well, as Joe puts it, you're his girl."

"Do you know why he's my bodyguard?"

"Well he hasn't divulged everything, just that it was necessary. I don't doubt it's serious." She squeezed her hand.

Eva expelled a breath, her eyes large at what she was about to disclose. "Vanessa what I'm about to tell you, you must promise me first that you can never tell anyone." Her eyes holding Vanessa.

"Of course." She leaned back on her chair.

Eva nodded before starting her story. It took her almost an hour to finish everything including what lead her there today. Vanessa silent tears flowing as she heard her.

"Eva if I didn't know you, I don't think I'd believe you, so I understand your apprehension. I can't imagine going through what you have and I won't pretend that I understand. But you need to tell someone about the Chief."

"Vanessa don't be dumb, no one is going to believe me. I know I'm not the first he's pursued. He was one of El Gallo's customers and from what I understand there were a few girls."

"Exactly! How can we have someone like him running the force!" She said more as a rhetorical question. "Eva I know you told me not to say anything but it will eat at my soul knowing he's out there doing this. I mean I'm a fucking Social Worker." Eva looked at Vanessa's pained face. It was funny hearing her swear.

"Vanessa, Joe and Marcos were doing something-"

"Yeah and now they're in jail. Now I understand everything. Eva, please I have a friend who works-"

"No! Vanessa don't ask me to talk to anyone else about this, I need to figure this out on my own."

"But why?! Eva you're not alone in this."

"Oh Vanessa...I should have finished this myself, now because of me Joe and Marcos are in jail."

"Eva their in jail because they know that this is wrong. " she blew out a breath of frustration. "What exactly do you plan on doing?" Her eyes searching Eva with concern.

"I don't know but it seems every time someone tries to help me they get fucked." She looked up at Vanessa suddenly. "I'm sorry Vanessa, I shouldn't have come, I don't want to taint you with my shit." She got up to leave.

Vanessa was up too, approaching her. "Wait Eva, what are you saying. Nothing is gonna happen to me."

"I hope not. But I can't just wait and take that risk, if something happened to you too because of me..." Her eyes sad. " you've been good to us, I do appreciate it all. I hope you know that."

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