Chapter 8: The Strike

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Eva saw Marcos walk cautiously toward her and Freddy. He smiled at Freddy and nodded hello, but his intense gaze and sexy smile, that he gave her, had her heart pounding and blood rushing. She was still unsure of herself so the embrace she gave him was a hesitant one. He held her close, placed his hands on the back of her neck, and angled her head to look at her eyes as he said hello. His proximity causing heat to radiate throughout her very being. He released her after a beat, but ran his hand down her arm, and kept his hand on her fingers as they sat. Eva felt a sudden chill after being released from his embrace.

"Freddy, it's good seeing you. Thank you for bringing me Eva," He smiled at Freddy.

"It's nothing Marcos, you know it."

"How's the family?" He asked, his tone changing a bit.

"There in place, ready."

"Good, have you talked to them?"

"Not since this morning. We should hear from them soon."

Eva looked between both men and knew there was something going on. She hadn't imagined Freddy's nerves this morning, or Joe's excitability. And now, hearing Marcos speak, with the tone he uses when discussing certain matters, she knew there was something going on.

"Good," He rubbed both hands together in anticipation. He turned his gaze at Eva.

"So, you liked your birthday gift?" His smile slow.

"Like it? I love it Marcos," Her smile large and genuine.


"But, I think it's a bit ostentatious, don't you? I mean damn Marcos, a car?"

"You needed a car. I bought you a car. Plus, I wanted to give you something ostentatious."

She shook her head in disbelief, "Thank You Marcos, really it's appreciated, just no more. I don't feel right."

He narrowed his eyes and turned her head with his left hand, forcing her to meet his gaze, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," She said a little to loudly, "that I don't feel right accepting something like that." She swallowed hard as she saw him tense.

"I thought you liked it," He said in a gritty voice.

"I do," She assured him. She let out air in frustration and continues, "I don't want to accept gifts like that because it makes me feel cheap."

He clenched his jaw, "Eva, that is a birthday gift."

"Then why not buy me shoes or movie tickets," She said exasperated.

"You prefer shoes?" He arched his eyebrows.

"Marcos, if I accept this gift then that makes me what...a gold digger, a hoe-" She stopped as she saw his sexy smile slowly spread showing the one dimple.

"Eva," The way he said her name brought her to the edge of reason. "You're my girl, no one will think less of you," He leaned in as to kiss her. Eva slightly hesitated, and he stopped inches from her mouth. "Don't worry our first kiss won't be here in prison; it'll be out there. It'll be proper," His low husky voice vibrated through her soul.

He sat back on his seat and smiled slowly at her, satisfied at her reaction. He knew she felt the same pull. It was a damn shame she was too young. He could wait, he was so sure that she'd wait for him too. There was no denying the inevitable, so sure was his confidence in them that it bordered arrogance. He decided to give her a break.

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