Chapter 19: The Sacrament

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Eva made her way to the apartment to pick up some more of their belongings. She had slowly began to move their items to Vanessa's home ever since the judgement was ruled in her favor. At times she would sleep over the apartment, especially during the summer. She went back to the apartment today to pick up her backpack.

School had started and she needed to take it back home. Spending those months doing surveillance and research had left her with little time for anything else. Eva made her way in and began grabbing her mail and shoving it inside her backpack. She heard a noise toward the back which made her pause.

Eva walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and began to slowly walk towards the noise. The noise sounded again. It was coming from her room. Her heart raced as she tried to see through the crack. She opened the door quick and saw no one there. Before she spun around she heard the sound of the safety clip and the all too familiar voice.

"Hello Eva."

Her insides churned as she matched the voice to the face. She couldn't believe her eyes. She felt so unsure of herself under his weighted look. The scorching look he gave her as he walked closer, lowering his gun, sent chaotic energy through her.

"Marcos!" Her eyes large and bright in the darkened room.

He stood inches from her, a sexy smile spreading on his face. He had startled her, hell she had scared him. He lowered his eyes to the knife she gripped in her hand and remembered she was good with it.

Marcos was waiting to meet Joe and Sammy at his place tonight. He expected the apartment to be empty, Sammy had let him know Eva and the kids were no longer staying there. Nevertheless, as soon as he entered his home, Eva was everywhere; pictures, hand notes in the refrigerator, books, clothes in the laundry room, her perfume filling his senses.

It hit him then that she was not living there and she probably wouldn't want to see him either. Yet here they were, standing in front of each other. He noticed her body language change. The funny thing was when he had held the gun at her face, she didn't look scared but determined, when she got off of her initial shock of seeing him, her eyes then showed fear.

"Don't I get a hug?" He leaned in not giving her a chance to think. Removing the knife before she got any ideas.

Eva took a step back before allowing Marcos to embrace her. Her nerves in high gear as she hugged him back. Inhaling his powerful all male smell. Eva couldn't lie to herself anymore, she had missed him. He lingered a little longer before pulling away. She felt empty as he let her go. For those few seconds she had felt safe. She craved his touch, his nearness.

"When did you get out?" Her voice horse.

"Today, I guess I should thank you for that." He lowered his face to meet hers.

Eva shook her head and took another step back. "No you don't, there's no need for that. I owe-"

"We'll just say we're even." He took a step closer. His tone a bit hard.

"Okay. Is Joe out?" She looked behind his shoulder to no one in particular.

He slightly turned before answering. "Yes he's out, we're meeting up later. You haven't seen him?"

"Not yet, I wasn't sure what date they'd release you guys." Eva wondered if her cousin was out too and where she would go.

"Are you glad I'm out?" He searched her eyes.

"Yes, of course!" She took a step back.

"Really then why are you walking away from me." He took another step forward.

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