Chapter 10: C Notes

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                                                    *****NOT EDITED*****

Eva was at the party enjoying herself. She had drank a beer but pretended it was her third. She walked around and danced, enjoying her youth. She had been surprised when one of her classmates had asked her to be part of her celebration. She chatted with everyone she knew from school. Her lively body swaying to the music as she moved from table to table.

She had rode in the limousine and was enjoying the celebration of Kathy's Sweet 16. Kathy had met Eva at school on the first day she attended, and from day one she had been impressed by Eva. However today's main reason Eva was invited to her party was because for the past few months, Eva had began to sell drugs. Weed mostly, anything in higher grade she'd refer you to her friend Oscar.

Eva had seen Oscar a few months back at the park close to the apartments one Saturday afternoon when she took the kids to play. Oscar had his brother Tommy with him on that day. Joey and Tommy immediately began playing and talking like old times. Oscar and Eva had moved to a bench to talk about the events that happened after they exited his apartment.

"It was crazy Eva, I mean, they had the dogs everywhere, sniffing everything and everyone." he laughed remembering. "I was like Oh snap! What the fuck."

"Yeah, that night was crazy." Her smile tight.

He turned to look at her, guilt eating at him for bringing it up. Oscar was a couple of years older than her, had dropped out of school and had began selling drugs. His mother and father were both drug addicts, it was easy for him to enter that business without worrying about being reprimanded.

"How you been?" he asked her looking her over appreciatively.

"I'm good, I'm just strapped for cash right now you know." she adjusted her starter cap low on her eyes.

"I once knew that feeling. Now I make about 2 G's a week. Business is good." he smiled blissfully.

"Dayuum, that good huh. Well how about I tap into a little of that action and get some of that too." she asked turning to look him straight. She had been looking at Darla play.

"Nah shorty, Marcos will hang my ass if I did that." he smiled apologetically at her.

"Then why are you selling?" she turned back to Darla.

"Cuz he's in jail right now, but when he's out, we know our time is up."

"Come on Oscar, I'm not asking to become the next Don, I just need to make about two C notes a week. And all I really want to sell anyway is weed. You know, being in H.S. it'll be easy."

He waived his hand at her. "I don't think so. I'm not fucking with you in this shit. First, you got Marcos, in jail yeah, but that Cat got juice everywhere and to top it off, there's Joe. I'm definitely not fucking with him."

"Don't be afraid of them, it's not like they'll find out, you know me, I'm not saying shit."

"Why you need money when you got two ballers." His leg on the bench as he stood facing her smiling.

"Because I need my money, not their money, you know what I mean." she narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah, I can respect that, you want your own thangs. But damn it shorty, I can't man. I wish I could help but I can't."

"Then point me to the one who will." she said with determination.

He blew out his breath, he had known Eva for a while now, he knew she wouldn't stop here. Eventually she'd find someone who would. He thought about it for a minute. Debating the pro's and con's. He moved his neck from side to side, stretching his neck deep in thought. He could hear the laughter of his brother and Joey as they played. He looked her over and saw her for what she was. A hustler. No parents and all she was asking for was crumbs.

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