#4 Your Kids First Day of school

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Your Kids First Day of school:

Harry: Harry was dropping your 5 year old daughter,(y/d/n) off for her first day of kindergarten. You were at work so you couldn't be there.You asked him to tape every thing. "Bye (y/d/n) have a great day at school!" He said as he watched his little girl walk in to her class. She stopped in the middle of the doorway and ran to her daddy.She gave him a hug and said bye then skipped back to her class.

Zayn: You and Zayn were dropping off your 14 year old son on his first day of high school."Bye buddy," Zayn said "And remember to bring back a cute girl." You playfully hit Zayn in his arm and told your son bye.Your son said bye and then jogged up the stairs to his new school."They grow up so fast." you said with tears in your eyes. " I know (y/n)."

Louis: You and Louis were dropping off your daughter. She was going to middle school! The only reason why (y/d/n) was excited was because she actually had her own locker. " Remember, if anyone messes with you... handle them." You said. Louis and (y/d/n) started laughing " ok, Mom." she answered. She opened the door and walked in closing the door behind her. "Hey...," You said, " now we'll have more alone time." Louis bit his lower lip "What's that supposed to mean." he said playing dumb. " I don't know let's go home and figure out."

Niall: We walked into our two sons' and one daughter first grade classes. Each had different teachers. First, the oldest son (by 1 min.) just left without saying anything to us, not even a wave goodbye. Second, (daughter) You went through a list of things needed for school "Pencils," "Check," "pencil box," "check," "pencil sharpener, lunch, friends, ruler, folders," " check, check, huh, check, aaaaaand check." Niall added, "Most important a hug and kiss from Mom and Dad." She jumped up and gave both of us a hug and kiss. "Check." and walked away. Third, was just bye, hug, kiss, and walk away. We left and went home after that.

Liam: You and Liam were dropping off your twins for there first day of middle school.Your girl wasn't to excited go due to being bullied in elementary school.Your son was all ready to go and he was all packed up. "come on y/d/n it will be fun to go and make new friends." Liam reassured your daughter "Ok dad." she said. you all gathered in the truck and left the house to drop off your kids.

A/N: hey guys sorry if it sucks but you know brain farts stink. I'm going to be doing them for a while today so be prepared Request always wanted bye bye.

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