Chapter 2

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When I got back to my apartment I saw my roommate sitting eating cereal and texting on her phone.  

"Whats up Vic how was your first day?" she asked 

I knew Mel from back in high school we kind of went our serpent ways after we graduated, but got back in touch once I transferred here. 

"It was like all first days of school long and boring nothing special...oh unless you wanna count the hot guy that asked me to be his partner today." I said sitting down at the table 

"Lucky first day of class, your already talking to someone hot...did you get a name?" 

"Yea he said his name was Jason-" Mel looked from her phone with a confused look  

"Your not talking about the Jason with the pretty eyes perfect tan and always have a bored look in his face are you?" 

"Umm yes" 

"Yea I had him in one of my classes last year, I would always hear about some illegal shit that he get himself into. Him and his buddies like to deal drugs and stuff, and one day he comes to class all beaten up like he just gotten in a fight. I mean this guy like to hang around dangerous people. There were even rumors going around saying that he was involved in a gun fight. Not to mention that I would hear about so many girls get there heart broken by him its not even funny. I mean the smart thing to do is to stay way from him, you know with you guys being partners and all just in case all the things people say about him is true. Last thing you need is to be arrested just from being around him...but we were never known for doing the smart thing in high school were we?" Mel said with a grin. My head was spinning trying to absorb everything she just told me. 

"Yeah I know what you mean, I guess I should just stick to school work with him, you can't get arrested from just doing your homework right?" 

"Just be carful around him that's all I'm saying" Mel said before she went back to texting. 

I decided to go into my room to take a well needed nap, after all I'm still stuck on summer mode and I'm not in the mood to start on homework just yet. 

A few hours later I hear my phone ring wakening me up out of my sleep. I look at my phone and saw that it was Jason calling. How did he get my number...I guess he must have called his phone after he put his number in mine, clever.  


"Hey you wanna get started on the homework, I'm free for a while." 

"Um yea sure where do you wanna meet up?" I said still kind of sleepy 

"Is my place good?" 

Going to a guy's place that I barely know sounds a bit dangerous, but then again my room is not exactly clean right now. I'll just to the homework real quick and just leave, yeah that what I will do. 

"Yea sure" he quickly gave me his apartment number before we hung up; luckily Jason lived a few apartments away from mines so it would only be a short walk. Jason wanted to meet me halfway and walk with me the rest of the way back to his apartment. I grabbed my bag and hoddie and fixed my hair real quick so I didn't look like I just woke up. I left my apartment and headed across the neighborhood to Jason's apartment. As I got closer to the spot that he was suppose to meet me at I see him talking to a guy dressed in all black, he spots me walking towards him and quickly dismiss the guy before I could get close enough to hear what they were saying. I wonder what that was about?

 I could tell that Jason was giving me one of his sexy smirks as I was approaching him. 

"Took you long enough"  

"Be quite" I said as he led me back to his apartment  

"So you don't seem like the type of guy that would bother to escort a girl" 

"Well believe it or not I'm not that much of an asshole, it's dangerous out here wouldn't want you to get hurt" 

Was it me or was he like taunting me or something, or did that have a double meaning or whatever, maybe I'm just being paranoid. 

We made it to his apartment to my surprise it was cleaner then my room, note to self clean my room when I get back. 

"So where do we start?" ask taking a seat on the couch 

"I don't know did you print the assignment out?" oops I knew I forgot something 

"No" I said looking at the ground a little embarrassed 

"I'm not surprised come on I got a printer in my room." 

"What do you mean you not surprised, you don't even know me" I snapped as I followed him in his room. He ignores me as he started printing out the homework assignment and hands me a copy. 


"Lets get started" he sighed as we walked back into the living room. I sat back down on the couch looking at the homework forty questions really? 

"Okay how about I work on the first twenty and you work on the next twenty." 

"Yea that's fine" he said texting on his phone. Did he even hear me, ugh I hope I won't be doing most of this worksheet myself.

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