Chapter 6

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A few days later I'm headed to class not sure how awkward it going to be between Jason and I, honestly don't know if he is going to try and avoid what happen earlier the other night or what, I just have to wait and see. I walk in class to see that I made it before Jason, maybe he is not coming, or maybe he is already hear but just sitting in the front...yea I doubt that. Just then Jason took a seat next to me looking tired like he just woke up, which was odd seeing how this is a 5:00 class. That's when I realized that he looked good no matter what and that sucks because when I wake I look like a zombie. I couldn't help but notice that even though he wearing dark green plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt and today decided to ditch his contacts and wear his glasses, he's like one of those people that you see that look good in any pair of glasses they try on. I turn back to the front feeling a little awkward. This is the first time I am seeing Jason after the other day, he left soon after he woke up at my apartment.

"Just woke up?" I asked trying to lighten up the mood, without even bothering to answer he just nod his head and I nodded back and look down at my hands man I wish this class would hurry up and end.

About an hour later class finally ended I slowly pack up my stuff trying to let Jason leave first to avoid an awkward conversation, obviously that didn't work because he was clearly waiting for me.

"Hey can I copy your notes for today?"

I look at him like he had grown two heads seeing how he choose to spend the whole class time sleeping instead of taking notes for a upcoming test.

"Vicky please I'm not in the mood to argue."

"You know if your feeling so tired why not skip class?" I asked handing him my notes

"Let go to my place." He said taking my hand

"And besides Vicky you know just as well as I do that attendance can keep me from failing the class." He said smirking down at me.

"Is that your only reason why you come to class?" I ask crossing the street with him going to his truck.

"I figured it's the only reason to come to class, show my face so the teacher won't fail me."

"Whatever" I mumbled taking a seat in the truck. As soon as I got into his truck a weird smell hit me.

"What's that smell?" I asked smelling a familiar smell but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"What smell?" Jason ask starting the car

"Nevermind" I just shook my head dismissing it as my imagination

"Do you want anything coke water?" Jason asked after we arrived at his apartment.

"Coke would be fine thank you." I said giving him a small smile

I sat on the couch as Jason sat across from me on the couch copying my notes. I took advantage of this time to start on the five page essay that's due tomorrow in another class, Jason offered me his computer rather then me walking all the way back to my apartment to get mine. I was about to get started on my essay when I notice that Jason was looking at me like he was thinking about something

"Finish?" I asked

"Do you remember what we did the other night?"

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