Chapter 20

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Jason and I walked hand in hand to our lawyer's office the next morning. I was curious about what our lawyer had to tell us so badly that he couldn't tell us over the phone or something. Our lawyer's secretary told us that we could go right on in and that he has been waiting for us.

"Vicky, Jason good you have arrived" Dannay our lawyer walked to us and shook our hands.

"Come sit we have lots to discuss." He said pointing to the two seats that were right in front of his desk.

"Nice to see you too Danny, you wanna tell us what this is about?" I asked as we sat down in the chairs.

"I won't keep you long, there was just something that I feel that you two should be informed of." Danny said sitting at his desk. By this point I was getting really nervous, I had a feeling that what he was about to say wasn't going to be good, and I think I knew what he was about to say but I hope I wasn't right.

"Well?" I pressed on

"I was just informed that Damon is getting an early release from prison either later on this month or next month I'm not exactly sure ill have to get back to you on that."

It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach as my hand drop from Jason grasp.

"What do you mean being released early?" Jason nearly yelled as for me I was speechless, I couldn't believe this was happening.

"He is being released on good behavior, that's just probably a fancy way of saying that the prison is overcrowded and they need to kick some people out." Danny told us.

Tears start to swell in the corner of my eyes as I thought back to that cold and rainy night, and how he tried to kill me. My hands were shaking as I stared at the wall so Jason wouldn't notice my mini panic attack.

"If you want you could file for a restraining order."

"Are you fuckin serious, you really think a stupid peace of paper is going to stop that bastard from coming after us if he wanted too?" Jason yelled now standing up from his chair. I was busy trying to calm myself down and I couldn't really focus on trying to calm Jason down. I just wish this was all a dream that I would wake up from soon.

"Well that's the thing maybe be doesn't want to, after all he is being released on good behavior." Danny said trying to calm Jason down.

"Six years you think six years is enough to make someone like him forgive and forget?" Jason shouted "This is fucking crazy."

I couldn't take it anymore I whispered an excuse me and walked out of the office. After a few seconds Jason followed behind me out of the office, Jason finally caught up to me when I got on the elevator.

"Vicky I'm so sorry about this." Jason said as he tried to pull me into a hug.

"Not right now Jason." I said pushing him away, I already knew he was sorry, he told me that a million times before but right now I just don't want to hear it. My mind is going over every worst case scenario that I could possibly think of. The ride home was pretty much silent other then the radio playing softly in the background. I wasn't in the mood to talk or hear Jason apologize, I'm so sick of that damn word sorry, its just that a word it has lost its meaning to me. As soon as Jason parked the car a got out and walked inside our apartment. I was so out of it that I didn't even give Nike the attention that she always craved. I just patted her on the head and walked in the bedroom, and laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling. I eventually closed my eyes trying to take in all of the information that I was given today. I heard Jason walk in the bedroom after a few minutes and I felt the bed sink in next to me, then he wrapped his arms around me.

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