Chapter 11

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I smiled when I saw Jason walking towards me.

"You need to talk to me?" Jason said as he approaches me. I took a deep breath

"Okay so hear me out" I took his hand urging him to sit on the bench next to me.

"Well I wanted to start off by telling you that you were right and I'm sorry. I should have never just assumed those things about you, and I do have issues...insecurity issues, and I'm working on it. Anyways the reason I said those things in the first place was because every time I started really liking a guy he would end up breaking my heart one way or another, and just by assuming the worst is how I protect myself from getting hurt. I know it's a stupid thing to do but what can I say, I'm scared of being hurt. But when you said that you actually really like me it made me think otherwise and-"

"Okay I'm gonna stop you there." Jason said looking at me "You don't have to explain anymore I understand where you're coming from, and I can't really blame you from thinking that way. I haven't been known as the best boyfriend in the past. If you had that conversation with Mel another time we could have talked it out. But I was already having a bad day that day and hearing what you said just added fuel to the fire."

"What was going on with you that day?"

He sighed "You know those two tests I had last week well I failed them both, my mom kept calling and bitching at me about stupid shit. Nothing was going right for me that day and I just needed somebody to talk too, that why I texted you that night."

"And hearing what I said really topped your day I really feel like an ass, I'm sorry."

"Its fine I'm sorry for not texting you back last weekend that honestly didn't have anything to do with you I was just really busy last weekend."

"Well you could have told me that I wouldn't have bothered you with my texts and calls."

Jason started laughing at this "Actually I thought it was kind of cute, especially with the texting"

"Cute? I felt like a stalker today in class I mean I creeped myself out...that was just a one time thing it's not happening again" We got up and started walking out of the building.

"So you have a thing for stalkers... not that I'm saying I am one."

"No I just thought it was cute it's not like you over did it or something, and it proved to me that you cared, can't stay mad at that." Jason started grinning at me. "I mean what guy wouldn't like a girl trying to win him over in a non stalkerish kind of way." He teased.

"Ok ok let's drop the subject, so are we on good terms now?" I asked and he just nodded

"Good." Just as I started to walk away Jason grabbed my arm and pull me back to him crashed his lips onto mine. I smiled and reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer deepening the kiss.

"Yeah, were on good terms." Jason said pulling away and resting his forehead on mines. "And just so you know I won't hurt you like those other guys did."

I smiled as we walked hand in hand heading back to his apartment.

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