Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning to a text from Jason saying to call him when I get a chance, of course I ignored it. I decided after my last class I will just head home early to get away from all this nonsense for awhile. I just need to avoid Jason for the rest of the day but that's easier said than done, at least I don't have classes with him today. I got ready for class and drove to school; I know I had to try my best to avoid Jason I just wasn't ready to speak with him at least not right now. Just then I saw him talking to the same group of boys from last night I immediately turned around and decided to take the long way to class. Once I got to class I was pretty much safe for now, I only had one more class after this since my last one was canceled. As soon as my class ended I hopped into my car and drove home. Luckily I packed everything in the car this morning so I was ready to go. Once again I ignored a text from Jason, so I guess it was now my turned to ignore his calls and texts maybe we were meant to be. About an hour and half later I arrived home tried and ready to relax for the rest of the day. When I walked into my house my mom ran up to me, always excited to see me when I return home.

"Hey sweetie how was the drive I hope you didn't get tired?"

"No mom the drive was fine." I said as I set my stuff on the couch

"Where's dad?"

"He's still at work he'll be home soon, I'm fixing your favorite tonight. So how is school going, are you making new friends, I hope you're enjoying it better than your old school."

"Yea school is fine, hey mom I'm just going to go upstairs and take a quick nap. I'll be back down in a while." I said heading up stairs, sometimes I wonder if I was switched at birth cause I don't act anything like my parents, there so bubbly and I'm not plus I don't look anything like them at least not in my opinion, I might look into that one day. As for right now I need a nap. I collapsed on my bed and turned off my phone so I won't be woken by any calls or text from Jason, or anybody else for that matter.

"I'll talk to him one of these days." I told myself.

About an hour later I woke up with my stomach growling and smell the food from downstairs. I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs eager to what I might find. I turned my phone back on as I reach downstairs I saw that I received ten missed calls from Jason.

"Hey dad." I said as I saw my dad sitting down at the table tired from the day's work.

"Hey Vicky how was school?" I came behind his chair and gave him a big hug.

"It was fine."

As my parents were having conversations amongst themselves I ate a light dinner before going upstairs to relax for the rest of the night.

The next day Mel texted me saying that she just arrived into town, so we agreed to meet up at the mall later on that day. I took on a quick shower and threw on a hoodie and some dark skinny jeans. When I arrived at the mall I saw Mel waiting for me at the food court at one of the tables.

"Hey Mel." I said as I sat across from her at the table.

"Here I got you your favorite." She slid over a cup of birthday cake ice cream

"Aww thanks you didn't have to."

"You need it, and plus it was buy one get one free today." She said eating your ice cream "You might wanna talk to Jason, you know he stopped by the apartment a little after you left yesterday"

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him you weren't home, he seemed really worried about you. He asked why you haven't been answering his phone calls, and I said that was going to have to ask you that. Then he asked me if you were mad at him, and I said the same thing he was going to have to ask you. By this time he seemed really pissed at me." Mel said smiling to herself. "It's funny to see him mad."

"It's strange, I never even seen a drug dealer at least not that I know of. Then little did I know I am dating one."

Mel nodded in agreement "Have you decided what you were going to do?"

"Well I'm going to talk to him I think I avoided him enough, I needed to start getting answers from him."

"When are you going to do that?"

"Monday, I'll do it Monday."

"Why not tomorrow?"

"Because I don't want to do it tomorrow...Monday"

"Ok well tell me how it goes after you talk to him"

"Is it me or you seem a little excited about this."

"Well I mean in high school I was the one mixed up with all of the drama, its weird and exciding to see you mixed in drama, I'm just curious to see how you handle it." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Mel if you say so."

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