Chapter 12

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It was a few weeks after Jason and I made up and our relationship couldn't been better. I felt like Jason was a very decent boyfriend although there can be times where he can act like an arrogant bastard but it's nothing I couldn't handle. Anyways fall break started this weekend, and I was packing up my stuff to go home for the break even though the weekend is still a few days away. I just decided to just start packing early since I still had some assignments to finish up before I go home. I told Jason that I will be over at his place later after I finish packing, but since I finished much earlier then I expected I decided to head over early. Maybe I could surprise Jason; he always wanted me to let him know when I'm coming over so he could meet me halfway and walk back with me the rest of the way. I don't know why, I'm perfectly capable of walking the whole way myself, I mean it not that far. As I was walking to Jason's apartment I was so absorbed in to listening to my ipod that I didn't even notice the sound of somebody getting beaten up, until I turned the corner and saw the actual scene for myself. What I saw before me probably changed my opinion about Jason forever. As soon as I walked around the corner I froze I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw a group of about for boys all dressed in black standing around Jason as he beat the crap out of this one other boy. The boys dress in black were just standing around Jason not doing anything but watching, and I think I saw one of them actually laughing like seeing that boy suffer was funny. Blood was all over Jason's knuckles but that still didn't stop him as he kept punching the boy in the face. Scared that they might see me I hid behind around the corner out of there view. By this time my hands were shaking out of fear, I was scared for the boy and I was scared that Jason might end up killing him. But I was too scared and to shock to anything about it. That's when I heard to the beating finally come to an end.

"If anyone ask, tell them you fell down the stairs got it? Maybe this can teach you to give me what I ask for on time." Jason said in a calm voice to the boy. I didn't hear the boy say anything but a few seconds later I see him limping away. Then I heard Jason and the other boys walking away in the other direction. Once I made sure Jason was gone I started after the injured boy, it didn't take me long to catch up to the boy.

"Are you okay?"

"What do you think?" he asked glaring at me

"I'm sorry let me help you." I said trying to help the boy

"I'm fine you shouldn't even be out here by yourself it's dangerous." He said gently pushing me away

"ar- are you sure I mean I could take you to the hospital if you want... I wont say-"

"Aren't you Jason's girlfriend" I just stared at the ground not really wanting to answer the question.

"Shouldn't you be with your bastard boyfriend and congratulating him on a job well done?" he spat at me.

"I didn't know he was like this I swear." I said trying to convince him I was not like Jason.

"So you telling me you don't know that your boyfriend sell drugs for a living." He said with a bitter laugh. "I guess you learned something new everyday." The boy mumbled limping away.

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