Chapter 16

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Jason stayed for the rest of the day and met my parents when they came home, they seem to take to him pretty well which was understandable Jason was a decent guy as long as you don’t know what he does at night or in his case did. I just hope nothing bad comes out of this I mean don’t get me wrong or anything I do want him to quit this life but I don’t want anything bad to happen because of it. Unless Jason said all those things to keep me happy, but I don’t think that’s the case he kept reassuring me that he is done for good and I believe him.

            Like all breaks fall break came and went to quickly for my liking and the next thing I know I’m back at my apartment getting ready for the next day of classes. Fall break ended randomly in the middle of the week, so that left me one day of classes before I was off again. I could have stayed home but unfortunately for me I had a quiz in one of my class preventing me form having a extended vacation.

            Jason decided to stay over at my place for the night and leave for his class in the morning. I was getting ready for bed when I glanced over at Jason who seemed a little distracted.

“Are you okay?” I asked sitting next to him on the bed, he snap out of whatever he was thinking about and turned to look at me

“Yea why you asked?”

“You just seem a little distracted.”

“I’m just a little bit tired, you know I space out when I’m tired.” He said kissing me on the forehead before lying down, I cuddled next to him on the bed and turned on the T.V.

“If there was a problem you would tell me right?”

“Of course, if the problem concerned you.”

“Jason.” I said smacking him on the chest, he started laughing.

“I was just kidding Vicky goodnight I love you.”

I smiled and pecked him on the lips “I love you too.”

“Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your smile is?”

Jason chuckled when I started to blush.

“Goodnight Jason.”  I said before he laid down to go to sleep, I stayed up for a while watching T.V before going to bed.

By the time I woke up the next day Jason was gone off to class but not before he left me a text saying that he loved me and that he will see me later on today. I returned a text saying that I love him too and got up to get ready for class.

  After class Mel and I decided to have a movie night tonight, so we headed to the store to get something to eat while we watch the movie.

“How do you think you did on the quiz?” I asked driving to the store

“I think I might have failed… whatever you can’t pass them all.”


“How do you think you did?”

“I don’t think I failed it but I wont know until I get it back, but of course I did kind of rush through it so I could leave early, so I will have to wait and see.”

“Yea same here” Mel said looking out the window. I pulled up into the store parking lot, when I got out of the car I see this guy staring at me like he knew something I didn’t, I just figured that he was some local that was surprised to see someone from out of town or something. I just ignored him and followed Mel inside the store.

“What was that about?”


“That guy in the parking lot he kind of creeped me out.”

“Yea I know he just probably some loser that get off on creeping girls out.” I said dismissing the thought.

“Yea I run into a lot of guys like that. So what do you want to get for tonight?”

“Sweets a bunch of sweets you can’t have a movie night without sweets.” I said going over the candy section.

“Ooh and what about ice cream, you wanna order pizza tonight too?’

“Pizza sounds good as long as its not meat lovers.”


We quickly got what we needed and headed for check out, as we were walking out I notice it was about to rain.

“Hey lets get back before it starts to rain.”

“Sounds good to me” Mel said in agreement. I notice that that guy wasn’t out here anymore which was good because it was starting to get dark out and I wasn’t in the mood to see people that creeped me out. We put the groceries in my car and started to drive off to the apartment.

“So how are things going with Alex?” I asked referring to the guy that Mel was seeing. She seemed to light up at the mention of his name.

“Things are going great I really like this guy and plus he is a Leo and I’m compatible with Leos.” I just laugh at this. Mel went on and on about Alex.

I started driving after the light we stop at turned green, it was the last light before our apartment complex. Just as I was crossing the intersection out of the corner of my eye I see a truck running the red light and heading straight for us. Before I had a chance to react the truck slammed right into us hitting the passenger side around the back door. The truck hit us with so much force that it flipped my car over in the grass on the side of the street. By this time I was in a daze and not sure what just happen, all I know is that I’m in so much pain that I could barley think straight. I manage to drag myself out of the broken window but even that small task took a lot out of me. I was praying that someone was around to call 911. My head was pounding and I could barley think straight and the tears that were wailing up in my eyes didn’t help at all, at least I think it was my tears because by this point it was raining pretty heard, but even through the rain I could hear the faint whimper of Mel, at least she’s still alive I just hope we get some help soon. I saw a figure of a man walking towards me at first I was thinking that he was someone here to help but I was wrong. The man stop a few inches away from me and looked down at me, it was to dark to make out a face. What was he doing? The man brought his foot back and kicked me hard in my side, I screamed in pain as my side where he kicked me throbbed, by this time I know that I was crying and I just wanted it all to end. The mysterious man pushed me from my fetal position onto my back with his foot. Then he kneel down beside me like he was trying to get a closer look at me, the hood that he was wearing still prevented me from seeing his face.

“I just lost my best man because of you.” The man said in a harsh tone.

“Little bitch.” He spat as he stood up and pressed his foot down onto my neck and started to push down.

“I’m gonna make sure you don’t interfere with my work again.”

I was struggling to breath, using what little strength I had to try and move his foot away with my good hand, but my attempt prove fatal as I was starting to lose consciousness. Suddenly I heard voices approaching and the man cursed at himself and took his foot of my neck and walked away with out saying a word. Just before I passed out I saw a car pull up, before the man got into the car he turned to look at me and formed his hand into the shape of a gun and pretend to pull the trigger as if that was a warning sign that he wasn’t through with me yet, then he hopped in the car and rode off.

            For a minute I thought I was dead until I heard a beeping noise, I open my eyes a little bit but quickly closes them trying to adjust to the bright lights. I slowly open them again to find myself in a hospital bed.

“What happen?” I mumbled to myself my throat was dry and still hurt and it was kind of hard to talk. I glanced around the room and notice that there were flowers around the room and a nurse in the far corner writing something down. She explained to me that I was in an accident and I only had some bruises and just suffered a few broken ribs and an arm. Then why do I fell like I just got hit by a truck?

“How is Mel?” I asked the nurse

“You friend is fine she just had a broken leg we just gave her something to sleep off the pain, you know you girls are really lucky.” As she started taking my blood pressure she glanced down at my neck.                   

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