Chapter 19

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I sighed then plopped down on the couch looking over some things from work. "Well Noah it looks like it's going to be you, me and Nike today."

Noah came over after a few minutes playing with Nike and sat next to me on the couch with Nike sitting at his feet chewing on a dog bone.

"You can watch T.V if you want." I heading him the remote "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" remembering it was only twelve in the afternoon.

"We have early release today." He said never taking his eyes off the T.V. I just nodded my head. I remember those days in school, except for me those days meant parent teacher conference and the teachers never had anything good to say about me. Then that would mean pissed off parents and no T.V for the next week, oh those were the good days. Since Noah was contempt with watching some children's show on T.V and Nike was busy entertaining herself with her bone. I finished up on some neglected work that I've been meaning to get to. After about twenty minutes I could feel someone eyes on me, and I turn to see that it was of course Noah.

"Can you help me with my homework? My teacher said I had to get my parents to help me, but my mom and Scott isn't here so you gotta help me." Funny, the only homework I had when I was five was to go home and share something.

"Sure" I sat down at the coffee table with him as he was digging in his book bag for his homework I could feel Nike nudging my leg wanting me to pet her, spoiled little mutt.

"So what do you need help with?" I asked as Noah pulled his homework out of his big blue folder thats covered in sports equipment.

"This." I looked down at the worksheet shapes and colors

"Okay this doesn't look too hard, you know your shapes?" I said looking at the paper

"Yea I'm pretty good at them."

"Okay what is this shape" I said pointing at the star

"Star?" he said looking up at me.

"Yea very good now draw a line to the word star." I said pointing to the word star.

"Now where is the square?"

"Here?" he said pointing to the rectangle

"No that's a rectangle, a square looks like that clock up there." I said pointing to the wall. "Can you find a shape that looks like that?"

He took a second looking at the paper and pointed to the square.

I smiled and said perfect. After he finish getting all the shapes right I was about to get up when he stop me.

"Wait there's another side." I was wondering why the worksheet was saying shapes and colors. Sitting back down I said

"Are you good with colors?"


"Alright let's get started."

After a few minutes Noah was finish with his colors, he was pretty good at his colors and really didn't need much of my help, but I was happy to lend a hand if needed.

"Thank you for helping me Vicky."

"No problem Noah, you can go back to watching T.V if you want."

"There's not anything on right now." He pouted I sighed and looked out the window, it was a pretty day.

"Hey why don't you me and Nike go to the park!?!" I said half excided

"Yea can we?" he said jumping to his feet.

"Lets go." I said grabbing Nike's leash and a book that I could read while we were at the park. Noah and I grabbed our jackets and headed to the car.

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