Chapter 5

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Well after ten minutes of looking for his drunk ass I could hear the faint noise like some one is rambling on about nothing, and it kind of match the senseless rambling that Jason was doing on the phone. I followed the noise around the building and sure enough there was Jason lying on the ground rambling in his phone, well no wonder he couldn't tell me what was around him, his face is practically in the ground! I hung my phone up and put it in my back pocket and went over to Jason.

"You know I looked everywhere for you and here you are behind the clubhouse" I said hang up his phone and putting it in my other pocket.

"Vicky you made it, I knew I could trust you."

Yea I know lets get you inside before one of the cops find us." I said as I help him to his feet walking back to my apartment.

"The cops are here?"

"JASON WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! Ugh dammit Jason you just stepped in dog shit"

"Oops my bad" he said as he started laughing

"Don't worry about it, where are your friends?"

"I don't know"

I manage to get him inside the apartment building just as a cop with a flash light walked by.

"Take your shoe off"

"Huh Vicky if your trying to sleep with me all you have to do is ask" he grinned at me

Yea no comment

"Please take off the shoe so I can wash the dog poop off"

"Here you go" he said handing me the stinky shoe

"Thanks hun" giving him a sarcastic smile only to be returned by one of his cute boyish grins, even when he is drunk he still gives me butterflies. We finally made it back in my room, I sat him on my bed as I went to wash off his shoe. I walked back in my room after cleaning off his shoe to find him zoned out staring at the wall, how does he manage to still look hot when he's this drunk, I love the bed head thing he got going on.

"Your not about to throw up are you?"

"Uh I don't know" I pulled my trash can up to his feet and sat next to him on the bed


"I need a..."

"Shoulder to lean on?" I said reading his mind he looked a little depressed

"How do you know" He ask leaning his head on my shoulder

"I don't know lucky guess, so you wanna tell me what going on?" I said wrapping my arm around him a big difference from earlier on tonight.

Having a conversation with a depressed drunk person is quite interesting. So far it been Jason talking about the episode with his break up with his ex girlfriend who now wants him back but she didn't take rejection to well and spit in his face or something like that.

"You know Vicky I could always trust you to be there for me."

"Well that's what I'm here for" I guess being the person that he can come and talk to is better than nothing.

"Really like you Vicky" did he mean that or is that the alcohol talking.

"I really like you too Jason." He won't remember this in the morning anyway

"Could you... be my girlfriend?" That's when I felt my stomach dropped I can't believe he just asked me that, like he just asked me to be his rebound or something. I look down at him and he was just staring at me with his hazel eyes, oh wow your serious.

"Um Jason I think its time for you to get some sleep." I said looking down at the floor.

'Yea I guess your right." I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders as he's stretched out on my bed.

"At least give me room to lay down." I said as he moved to one side of the bed, "No the side with the trashcan."

I turned out the lights and laid down going to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up the next morning I look at my clock realizing that it was eleven in the morning then looked down at Jason sleeping peacefully with his dark brown hair falling into his face. As I try to get up I notice something was holding me down. I looked down at my waist to find what else Jason arm wrapped around me. Actually this is not a bad way to wake up in the morning, alright snap out of it Vicky.

"Jason wake up what time is your first class?"

"Huh I don't know at twelve" he mumbled still half asleep

"Well you still have a little more time to sleep." I said looking at the clock

"I'm not going to class"

"What do you mean you're not going to class?"

"I have a fuckin headache can I just stay here please." He stated more then asked

"Okay fine have it your way" I said getting off the bet grabbing the first aide kit and a bottle of water.

"Here these should help with you head" handing over the pain killers and water

"Hey did I say any thing embarrassing last night" he mumbled

"That depends on what you consider embarrassing" he just looked at me with a stare on his face.

"No, you didn't do any thing embarrassing except step in dog shit."

"Damn" he said sitting up and taking the pills and water

"Well I have to go to class in a little bit so are you going to stay here or-" I didn't get to finish my sentence before he fell back on the bed and went back to sleep

"I guess your staying" I said getting ready for class

I returned from my class calling it a day since my second class was canceled and I decided to skip out on my last class, its not like I'm failing anything so no harm there. I guess since both Jason and I are going to miss our last class today we have to find some way to catch up on the missed notes . I walked into my room to see Jason still sound asleep, he must have heard me close my door cause he slowly opened his eyes to look at me.

"Feeling any better?"

"Yea I'm better listen I wanna thank you for last night, not a lot of people would have done that for me."

I smiled at him "Well I'm always here for you" he started laughing

"You're so cheesy you know that?"

"Shut up"

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