Chapter 13

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I didn't want to believe it I mean the Jason I knew was so nice and caring but I couldn't help but to believe it once everything started coming together, the smell in his car, all of his weird phone calls and texts, and meetings with shady people.

"I'll be careful if I were you this could be you one day if you don't watch it."

I felt myself getting angry.

"Jason would never lay a hand on me."

He stopped in his tracks like he thought of something and started coming back to me, at first I thought he changed his mind and was gonna let me help him.

"Yea cause you're his girl right." He came close and grabbed a fist full of my hair and before I could react he held a knife to my throat.

"We then tell you boyfriend to lay off or I might have to find you and finish what we started here." And with that he shoved me to the ground and started to limp away again. I could feel the anger boil in me as I got off the ground and came up behind him before he got too far.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH HOW DARE YOU PUT A KNIFE TO MY THROAT!" And I shoved my foot hard where the sun don't shine. I headed back to my apart leaving him there rolling on the ground screaming like a little girl. I know that might have been a stupid idea and I should have run when he let me go, but anger ended up getting the best of me. I mean I tried to help that guy out at least he can do is thank me. I refused to be man handled by some punk that just gotten his ass beat.

Once I got back I saw Mel on the couch watching TV and eating popcorn this was one of those days where I was glad that Mel didn't have any guesses over. When she saw me come in she immediately knew that something was wrong.

"Vicky what's wrong." She asked coming over to me.

"Jason he-" I could feel tears swelling up in my eyes

"Jason what, did he hurt you?" Mel asked sitting me down on the couch.

"You were right about Jason I should have listened to you."

"Vicky what's wrong did he do something to you?"

"I saw him beating up some boy around his apartment; Mel Jason is a drug dealer." I said as a stray tear fell down my cheek. "I should have never trusted him, I mean you told me to stay away but I did the exact opposite."

"Vicky don't beat yourself you about it, I mean to be honest I would have done the same thing you didn't know... I didn't even know."

"I do now" I said looking at the ground

"So what are you going to do?"

I just shook my head "I don't know" and brought knees up to my chest and rest my head on them.

"I want to hear it in his own words before I do anything, but at the same I don't want to look at him after seeing what he did." I said as I ignored a text from Jason. "I just want to go home." Mel rubbed my back trying to comforting me, it helped me but I still felt a little depressed. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door.

"Tell him I'm not here." I said heading to my room already knowing who it is. As I slammed and locked my door I could hear Mel opening the front door.

"She's not here." Mel said

"What do you mean she's not here is she on her way to my apartment?" I could hear the worry in Jason's voice.

"No she just went out."


"...Ok look she's sick right now and not in the mood to see anybody, so I'll tell her you came by and have her call you tomorrow."

"Mel just let me see her." Jason said slightly raising his voice

"No! She just went to bed, I'll have her call you okay." Mel said getting irritated

"Fine" I heard him say and a few seconds later I the door close.

"You're a bad liar" I told Mel through the door

"Well Vicky you didn't give me much of a lie to work with" she said back at least she got rid of him. I decided to go to bed early I really need to clear my head.

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