Chapter 10

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Why didn't you tell me Jason was behind me?" I hissed at Mel after I found her downstairs sitting at the café. 

"Cause I honesty didn't see him until it was too late, what happen after I left?" 

"I think he thinks that I'm insecure and I think he hates me, and I believe that our relationship is over." I said banging my head against the table we sat at. 

"Oh I'm sure he doesn't hate you he just probably mad." 

"I really do like him despite all the things I said. I just always thought that he only saw me as just another girlfriend, I didn't think he actually like me like me. I never meant to hurt him and he was never suppose to hear that conversation." 

"Well tell him that, tell him that you really like him and you were scared of being hurt or something like that." 

"I kind of did." 

"Well tell him again but be more convincing with it cause I bet you weren't when you told him the first time.' 

I glared at her how did she know? 

"That's easier said than done." 

"Confidence is the key." Mel said slapping my back. "You if you think about it I don't think it was entirely a bad thing that he heard what you said, cause now you really know that he cares." 

"I guess." I mumbled as we got up to head back to the apartment 

Jason ignored the rest of the weekend every time I called him his phone went straight to voice mail, I never got a reply back when I texted him, and he didn't answer the door when I went over to his apartment. I know he was mad at me but I didn't think he was this mad. So now I have a different tactic it's not creative but I hope it works. 

I walk into class the next day glancing at Jason and just as I figured he avoided eye contact with me. I sat two seats behind him seeing how the seat next to him was taken, but that what I wanted at least right now. I had a perfect view of him from where I was sitting, so far so good. After the teacher started his lecture I pulled out my phone and started texting Jason, here goes nothing.

'I need to talk to you after class... let me rephrase that can I please talk to you.' Send.

I heard his phone vibrate a few seats up I watch as he read the message and set his phone to the side, at least he is reading them. 

'So I see that you are at least reading my txt and that's good seeing how you wont speak to me in person.' Send.

'I'm sorry for what I said, and despite what you might think I really do care about you.' Send.

'All I'm asking from you right now is a txt saying that you will meet me after class.' Send.

'I can see you reading this, I'm only a few seats behind you, but don't get me wrong I'm not trying to become a creepy stalker but how else can tell you reading my text.' Send.

After he read my last text I can see him smirking a little bit as he stuff his phone in his book bag, so it's like that huh. Luckily for me I knew the girl that was sitting next to him so I pulled up her number and texted her. 

'Hey Cameron do me a quick favor and show the next text I'm about to send you to the boy next to you.' Send.

When she texted back an ok I send her another text. 

'As you can see that I obviously care about you if I'm txting you THROUGH ANOTHER PERSON'S PHONE!' Send.  

When Cameron received the text she tapped Jason on the shoulder and showed him the text. He gave her a look after reading the text and turned around and looked at me I just shrugged and smiled.

'Oh come on I know you miss what do you say...P.S please.' Send.

Cameron showed him the text I sent her. He sighed and pulled out his phone and began to text, it wasn't to long before my phone started to buzz. I quickly opened up the text that Jason finally sent me. 

'I'll meet you.'  

Was all it said and that's all I needed him to say. I smiled sending a quick text to Cameron thanking her. I anxiously waited for class to end. After a long twenty minutes class finally ended and I rushed out the back door waiting for Jason, I just hope he wasn't lying to me.

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