Chapter 3

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About an hour or so later I was done with my half of the worksheet luckily for me I had the easy half, now I had to wait until Jason finish. I laid down on the couch patiently waiting for Jason to finish.

"Did you have to give me the harder questions?" that was the first thing Jason said in hour

"Well if you stop texting people for like five minutes you could think better."

He shot me a glare from the corner of his eye, I just kind of gave him a shrug what it's true.

"Do you ever play your xbox?" I said as I notice the xbox under the tv.

"Yea sometimes why you want to play?"

"Your still trying to finish up your work."

"Nah its fine besides I need a break anyways." He said as he handed me a controller. We played a shooter game for about two hours and I could tell that Jason was getting irritated that I was beating him in his own game.

"I won again!"

"Shut up its been a while since I last played." I stuck my thong out at him, he's just mad that a girl beat him at his own game.

We got back to the homework and with my help we finish the homework, I just hope the answers were right, those questions were hard. Jason walked me home when we finish, I got back into my apartment I hopped into the shower before deciding to watch a little tv before bed.

The next couple of weeks came and gone pretty fast. Even though I have class with Jason only twice a week, I was starting to get used to having Jason as a partner. Today I had a fairly early class, well 12:00 is early for me, I hate waking up in the mornings. With only two classes today my day was uneventful. When I got back to my apartment I found Mel dancing around the apartment in her underwear with loud music blasting

"Woah happy much?"

"ooh Vicky guess what" Mel said jumping off the couch


"So there's a party tonight and a lot people are going to be there"

"Wait who has a party in the middle of the week?"

"I don't know good question, but I figured since both of our classes start really late tomorrow, I figured it wouldn't hurt to go to the party."

"I guess a party wont hurt, you never know who you might meet."

Mel's face seemed to brighten as soon as I agreed

"K good get ready we will be leaving soon"

"Hold on your gonna go like that?" hinting at her attire or lack there of.

"No actually I got this cute top I want to wear" Mel said running of to her room

"Well make sure you wear pants." I said heading off to my room

"yeah yeah I got it" Mel yelled behind me

About an hour and a half later I was ready for the party; I didn't look too bad as I look myself over in the mirror. I comb through my shoulder length hair one last time before looking at my cute outfit.

"Oh yeah I'm ready" I said blowing a kiss to myself in the mirror. I walk out of my room I see Mel in hers finishing up on the last of her makeup, she walk out of her room a few minutes later.


"Ooh you look hot" Mel said as she playfully winked at me

I just laughed "come on lets go"

"Okay so you wanna know the real reason I wanted to go to this party tonight?" Mel asked as we walked out of the apartment.

"What?" I asked as we linked arms walking to her car

"I've been talking to this guy for a few weeks before school even started, anyways he's gonna be there with his friends, and my goal tonight is to get into a steamy make out session with him possibly even more" she mumbled that last part

"Okay so wait your just gonna leave me alone tonight?" I was starting to get a little worried I mean I still barley know people.

"No silly when you start flirting and talking with guys, cause you know that gonna happen I'll go off with him."

"Umm ok I guess" I said as we pulled up to the party.

"Come on no worries this will be fun." Mel said getting out of the car

When we got into the party immediately I was overwhelmed with the smell of smoke and alcohol Mel offered me a drink and got one for herself and before we knew it we were dancing and laughing with the rest of the people at the party. As I was finishing off the rest of my second bottle I looked towards the back wall and saw a familiar face "Jason" I said to myself as he lock eyes with me, he was leaning up against the wall with his friends looking as hot as ever. He gave me one of his sexy smirks, and with the liquid courage I had in me I decided to walk over to him, wow who know I would be the one to leave Mel, but she was doing just fine dancing with that guy.

"Hey partner nice to see a familiar face" I said as I walked up to him

"Hey yourself you look nice" He said eyeing me up and down, by this point we were so close that I could just smell the alcohol on his breath

"Thanks, I didn't expect to see you here-"

He chuckled "Look whos talking"

"You just seem to 'cool' for these type of things"

I could tell he was about as tipsy as I was

"It wasn't like I had anything better to do" he said as a loud drunk guy bumped into me almost spilling his drink on me. Jason pulled me to the side up against the wall out of the way form the rest of the people and closer to him. I nibbled on my lip as a poor attempt to control myself which was not working at all. At this point no words were needed to know what we both want, as if we were reading each others mind, Jason took me by the hand and pulled me upstairs into a empty bedroom and closed the door behind him.

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