Chapter 17

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“You know you have some bruises on your neck, the doctor said that the injuries wasn’t compatible to the accident. Anyways we have a few officers here to talk to you about what happen they should be here in a few minutes.”

“Are my parents here?” I asked noticing that they weren’t around.

“Yes there here I told them to go home and we will call if you wake up, your boyfriend was here too, he’s such a sweetheart he wouldn’t leave your side. I had convince him that if he didn’t get anything to eat he would waste away. He should be back up here soon with your parents.” The nurse said as the two officers walked into the room. They introduced themselves as detective Smith and detective Stanford.

“As you already understand you have been in a car accident but what we understood from a bystander that called 911 there was a man standing by you that disappeared before anyone could reach you, can you tell me who this man was?” Det. Stanford asked me

“I don’t know who that man was but I think he was trying to kill me.”

“Did that bruise around your neck come from that man?”

I nodded my head enough for him to know that I meant yes.

“He tried to strangle me with his foot.” I said before he could ask, Det. Smith franticly wrote down everything I said.

“Would you be able to identify him if we had him in a police line up?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay Vicky I’m going to need to take some pictures of your neck if you don’t mind-“

“It’s fine.” I said hopping that they would hurry up and finish so they could leave me alone. The nurse helped me up into a sitting position so the Detectives could take a picture of my neck.

“Could you not let my parents know about this, if they ask just say it was an accident.” The detectives looked at each other.

“We will see what we can do.” Det. Smith said before both men took there leave along with the nurse.

I sighed and started to rest my head on the pillow, just as soon as my head hit the pillow my parents barged into the room asking me all these questions and hugging me. I saw Jason standing in the doorway not sure if it was okay to come in or not, until my mom invited him in. My parents stayed for a while making sure I had everything I needed and let me know that they will stay in town until I get released from the hospital. Then they left to leave Jason and me alone to talk. I look down at my hand not really knowing what to make out of this situation, part of me was mad at Jason because he is kind of the reason I was in this position, but the other part of me wasn’t mad because I kind of put myself in this position, because I gave Jason the choice to quit the business, and I chose to stay with him knowing what kind of stuff he was into. Was this all part of the package deal for being with Jason? I turned my head slowly making sure I didn’t hurt myself to look out the window.

“Vicky I’m so sorry that this had to happen to you, this was exactly what I didn’t want, for you to get hurt because of me… I understand that you’re mad and this was my entire fault, I should have done better to protect you. I should have known that this was going to happen.” I started to tear up again I turned around to face Jason.

“I’m not mad I’m just scared” I said as I remembered that man’s hand jester towards me.

“Shh I’m not going to let him hurt you any more, I’m going to go to the cops and tell them everything.” Jason said hugging me.

“No Jason I don’t want you to get in trouble.” This was the time that I really needed Jason and the last thing I need is for him to go to jail.

“YOU!” Mel said as she walked in on her crutches.

“Mel?” I said surprised to see here walking around so soon. Mel walked into the room on her crutches and stopped when she reached Jason. She swung her hand back and slapped Jason across his cheek so hard that his head snapped back.

“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, LOOK AT ME IM ON CRUTCHES!!!” she yelled as she sat down in the chair next to my bed in a huff.

“Are you done? You should be lucky that’s all that wrong with you.” Jason snapped back irritated as he rubbed his left cheek”

“I just wanted to let you both know that I’m sorry for all of this and I will fix everything.” Jason said looking down at me.

“Yea you better… but I guess I should thank you Alex is giving way more attention now, you should have seen all the flowers he gave me… How are you Vicky are you okay?” Mel said finally turning her attention to me.

“I’m fine Mel thanks for asking, Jason what are you going to do, how are you going to fix this?”

“I’m pretty sure I know who did this to you two I’m just going to tell the police who it is and why they did it so we can put this all behind us.”

“But Jason-“

“I’m doing this for you Vicky I love you.”

“Well then tell me, tell me what this guy looks like so I could go to the police and they could do a sketch or whatever and catch him themselves.” I said franticly hoping that he would agree.

“You know that could work.” Mel said nonchalantly slouched in her chair biting her nails. I looked at Mel surprised I thought she was still mad at Jason.

“I want you to be happy Vicky even if it is with him.” She said nodding her head towards Jason.

“I don’t know Vicky are you sure about this?”

“I don’t know why you’re scared you should be used to bending the rules.”

Jason glared at Mel from the corner of his eyes.

“Mel keep your voice down, and yes Jason I’m sure.”

            For the next hour Jason told Mel and I everything from what he looked like to his height but left out his name so we won’t accidently say it. He gave us just enough information to tell the cops the next time they come back.

            The next few events happen quickly. I told the cops that I remember what the guy that attacked me look like using the information that Jason gave me. A few days after that I was released from the hospital and I bid my parents a farewell as they left for home. And now Mel and I were getting ready to identify the man.

“That’s him number two.” Mel said as soon as the guys stepped into the room.

“Mel you barely even looked at them.”

“That’s him I’m sure of it, I never forget a face that’s the same man that was looking at us at the store.”

Mel was right that was the same man that was looking at us at the grocery store.

“Do you agree?” Det. Smith asked me

“Can you make them say something?” asked to make sure it was the guy.

“Yea that’s him number two.” I said after all the men read the sentence that they were told to read.

“Stanford that girls have identified number two.” Det. Smith told Stanford.

After collecting a few more evidence they finally arrested the man that I now know as Damon. I told my parents the half truth of course I left out a few details so they wouldn’t worry so much, I just told them that it was mistaken identity so it would explain the reason why I had to go to court. A few months later Damon was convicted to fifteen years in prison and to top it off I got my car replaced so everything was good. These series of events actually brought Jason and I closer, even though Jason and Mel seem to still butt heads from time to time. Jason stayed true to his word and stayed out of the drug business and focuses more on school. I was happy with my life and things were perfect…or so I thought.

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