Chapter 21

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That following week was uneventful, Friday after I got off work I went to met Mel at the park she was there with Noah and Scott just enjoying the sunny day. I saw her over on the bench in front of the big yellow jungle gym watching Scott playing hide and go seek with Noah. I walked over to where Mel is sitting on the bench.

"Hey Mel how's thing's going?"

"Everything is going great, the only thing now is that we have to complete the adoption papers, Scott wants to adopt Noah. Alex hasn't seen him in almost two years, and he is barely making child support payments, getting him to agree with the adoption shouldn't be too hard I hope." Mel said as we watch Scott and Noah play on the playground.

"Scotts a good guy, I'm really glad you have him you two really seem happy together," I said watching them on the playground. I could tell Mel was really in love with this guy by the way she looks at him, with nothing but love. Noah can't get enough of him he's just what Mel and Noah need.

"That's why I have to protect my family from this demon Damon whatever the hell his name is, I refuse to let him hurt my family."

"Mel how many times I have to tell you, I seriously doubt that he will come after you he probably won't even remember you. Maybe we are all overreacting over nothing, maybe he doesn't want anything to do with any of us, and he just want to get out of jail and move on with his life."

"So Vicky you're telling me that you won't be after the two bitches that testify against you in court and put you away, you won't be after them when you get out?"

"Not if I changed for the better... maybe he found God of something." I said trying to have hope.

"You keep telling yourself that... I mean if I was jail I would be nice to everybody and be on my best behavior so I could get out early, but that could be me I mean he could be different." Mel said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm gonna write a well thought out letter to whoever is in charge of this." Mel said after a few minutes of silence. "And tell them this is wrong that man belongs in prison, and they should let out a blue collar criminal or whatever if they want to release someone so bad."

"I'm sure they would take you and that letter seriously Mel." I said shaking my head.

"Yea they better."

Mel and I bid our farewells and I got in my car and head home. When I got back to the apartment like always I was greeted by Nike always happy to see me. Jason hasn't got home yet from the office, his father likes to work him hard. I took Nike out for a quick walk then came in and took a shower and decided to order take out. I'm not much of a cook and neither is Jason so we often we eat out, though every once in a while we will fix something ourselves. Usually I'll eat something healthy but not today, today I feel like takeout. Jason came home about an hour later looking extremely tired.

"You look like you had a long day at work."

"Long doesn't began to describe it." Jason said plopping down on the couch next to me.

"Here I got you some takeout." I said handing him the food.

"Thanks babe" Jason said as he took the food. After a while I notice that Jason kept rubbing his neck.

"Does your neck hurt?"

"Yea a little I think I slept on it wrong"

"Come here" I said as I got behind Jason and started massaging around his neck and shoulder area.

"Is that better?" I whispered in his ear.

"Much better" Jason whispered as he began to relax.

"Lay down"

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