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“Alix, you’ve done a really good job. The Principal saw your two essays in Chemistry and she is now planning to put you in a national writing competition.” Miss Johnson half whispered while we walked through the long corridor of the building to the stairs.

“What? Really, Ma’am?” I felt speechless.

“Yeah. But don’t tell anyone yet. And I have something to tell you too. Soon, you will be the president of English and History club, so get yourself prepared and ready, alright?”

“Ma’am, is this for real?” I was dumbfounded.

Miss Johnson chuckled. “I know. You’ve achieved quite a lot since you’ve got back here. You have an instinctive talent in writing, and many more things. I’m glad you’re showing it now. See how your life’s changing when you show them what you’ve got?”

I looked down and smiled to myself.

We stopped walking in front of the school’s main gate. Miss Johnson spoke in a louder voice.

“In college, I will recommend you to a really good university, and you can get a scholarship too, if you want. You’re really gonna be someone.”

“Eh, ma’am that’s too much.” I grinned.

“Got to go now. Remember, keep those things for now. I will announce it within this week.”

“Yes ma’am. Take care.”

“Yes. See you.” She said then we parted ways.

I rubbed my two cold hands together out of anxiousness. Then I looked up and noticed that it was very sunny today.

“Look who’s the new teacher’s pet now,”

I turned around. Cate and the company.

“Hey Cate. Hi girls.” I smiled at her girlfriends.

“Hello sister!” They called out to me noisily. Some people turned to look at us.

“Going home?” Cate asked.

“No. To Narnia.”

She laughed heartily then, hand in hand, they started to walk away.

“Hey wait…Cate, where do you think you’re going?” I caught up to them. They were walking away from the school gates.


“You’re not ditching class, are you?” I said, eyeing every one of the girls.

“No!” One of them denied.

“That’s the way to school huh?”

“Oh well…”

“Alix, we weren’t able to make our projects! It’s due today and you know how our Algebra teacher’s a monster!”

“So you’re cutting classes?”

“Well..if you’ll help us…Help us Alix!”

“Yeah, sister Alix!” The other girls pleaded.

But I knew better. When Cate asked for a ‘help’ it surely meant that I will have to do everything. I won’t be her victim again.

The girls clutched me here and there, in my hands, arms shoulders, like hungry vultures. I took a step backwards, freeing myself from their claws. “Not this time, dear. Face the consequences. It’s your fault. You had the whole week, why didn’t you do it?”


“Because you stayed in the internet all day.”

“Reading. In Wattpad you know. You know how a bookworm your sister can be.”

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