Chapter XXVIII- the Fall out

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Chapter 28

“Ciro, you know you have to do this someday, and the day has come. Señor de Dios is coming here all the way from Madrid anytime now and he will be the one responsible for your lessons for marksmanship and sword fighting. Be a man now, Ciro,” Don Leonardo said while slicing the pork steak in his plate.

“But papa, I have not a single idea about those things! You cannot force them into me.”

“But I remember Señorita Alix’s gift for you last Christmas was a very fine and elegant sword.” He said and smirked. I faked a smile.

Ciro looked at me with his round and innocent eyes and then it seemed like he can’t help but smile too.

“There are revolts in every province, every pueblo now, as a young man, you should learn to defend your women and our Motherland’s colony. What would the people say when they find out that a man, a fine looking and well cultivated young man as you can’t stand up and fight? Will you accept that those uneducated revolutionarios are better than you?” He threw his head back. “Oh what would the people say? What would Miss Alix say?” He humorously smirked.

I just chuckled and looked down.

They have been arguing about it since they saw each other this morning. Don Leonardo wanted to improve Ciro’s Swordsmanship and marksmanship, but Ciro just wanted to live quietly with his books, novels and paintings.

The wealthy and aristocratic Spanish families started to enlist their young men to the military now to help increase the force against the revolutionaries that wanted the colony, Filipinas, to be finally independent from the Crown’s hold. But Spain won’t let it happen. This archipelago was rich in natural wealth, some that can’t be found anywhere, and was a very good leg of Spain for commerce and trading.

I can’t help but think of Leonel. If he wasn’t discovered as Robell, will he choose to fight for Spain like what his position demanded or will he finally rebel against his own father to fight for what’s right?

He could have been a great champion, with all his sharp skills that I witnessed when he practiced fencing, sword fighting, marksmanship and horseback riding. His father would have been so proud of his son.

Don Leonardo finally arranged his spoon and fork as a signal that the head of the house was done with his breakfast. We did so too and the servants quickly took the dishes and started cleaning the long table.

“Your Excellency,” A man in a guard’s uniform arrived and bowed deeply with his hat on his heart at Don Leonardo then to the rest of us. “ Señor Riego de Dios finally arrived.” He calmly said.

Don Leonardo smiled as Ciro bit his lower lip nervously. “Very well. Serve him some refreshments and we will meet him soon.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.” The man bowed again and left.

“Fix your hair and change your clothes, Ciro. And Miss Alix, you must make yourself pretty as well, you must meet Señor de Dios.” He coolly said.

We nodded and walked together to the stairs.

“Ah, Ciro, just do it. I’m sure the man will take a good care of you and won’t hurt you.” I told him as I patted his arm.

“I don’t like it, I just don’t. I am weak as well.”

“But you can’t escape. I want to see you using the sword I gave you.” I smiled at him.

“I will, of course. I will not use anything but that.”

I smilingly nodded and we parted ways.

When I reached my room, Ellena was instantly beside me.

“Señorita.” She breathed. “I am so glad to see you still here.” She said while fixing my skirt.

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