Chapter 9- Dreams or memories?

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The moon was already up, though it was still afternoon. It was very nostalgic to me. The sun being like a blazing red ball that spreads a color throughout the whole sky like an orange watercolor sprayed on an off white canvas. I have always wondered why the moon appears so early when there was still the setting sun. I told mama it was disrespectful of the moon to appear to the people while the great sun was still there, just going down. I remembered how mama laughed at the four years old me, while I was sitting at her lap and she in my grandmother’s rocking chair on the balcony of our ancestral home.

“The past and the present, sometimes, in a phenomenal moments, they stumble upon each other, so that what the past is doing won’t be cut by it’s exit, and will be continue by the present one.” I remembered her answer.

I frowned with eyes dancing and wide.

She ruffled my hair on top and said, “Someday, my dear, someday you will understand.” She looked away into the sky with expressive, hopeful eyes and whispered to herself, “I am certain you will.”

I sighed and it was so audible as it was very quiet. I wished someone would come to break the silence. It’s killing me, almost. I hate to remember moments from the past however precious and beautiful they may be. It made my heart leap and race bitterly and fastly and my eyes warm, but with invincible tears.

I looked behind me. The room was dark now as the sun sets. I lit no lamp. I just wanted to sit here by the window while waiting for supper.

It’s been almost four months now since I came in this world. It was still as unbelievable and surreal as the first time; however I tried to get myself used to it. Everything still awed and staggered me. I was still curious as my first time here. I still wanted to know if there was someone here who my relative is. Wouldn’t it be more comfortable if I have someone here that’s my blood-relative?

I already missed Auntie Vicky and Cate so much. I almost missed school too, and the places around our house, the window in my own bedroom that overlooked a small road going to my Elementary school, the noise of children playing outside until late afternoon, Auntie Vicky’s homemade foods and goods, Cate’s sweetness to me…

I wondered what will happen to me after I found the key and diaries of Monica. How will Don Leonardo find my way home, to the present world? How would I be back in my real home, knowing I can never see Ciro,Chico, Leonel and Robell again, even Ellena and Isabella.

I blinked, like I just woke up from a day dream.

Yes, the papers and the key. I have to find it now.

I started to sweat and feel the humidity. I stood up and walked to the door but suddenly stopped.

“Where will I search now?”

I bit my lip to think. I thought I already had the plan but forgotten what it was.

I stamped my feet repeatedly in impatience.

“Oh,” I snapped my head up. “The treasury.”  It was where Robell robbed. Isabella  told me that all the important things and treasures of the family were being kept there.

I nodded to myself.

Mama help me, okay? I whispered.

I opened the door and started tiptoeing to the treasure room. My knowledge was it was located in the basement.

Finally, the staircase leading to the basement came to sight. I only came there once. It was a frightening place, really dark with no light with one man guarding the doors.

I looked around and saw no one. All the maids were preparing the dinner table and Bienve must be with Don Cipriano in this moment.

I walked quietly down the stairs. I tried adjusting my eyes to the darkness immediately. Then I finally saw the guard. His helmet glistened in the dark by the light coming from the hallway where I walked from. His silhouette in the dark was daunting.

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