Chapter XXIV- Agony

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Chapter 24

I froze as things started to dawn on me.

Don Leonardo’s eyes were now fiery and were turned to Robell…

To Leonel.

My mind can’t absorb it. Robell, the man who was always beside me to help and guide me, the man who can give me comfort no one could, the man who I came to love despite his hidden identity, the man who I admired the most, the courageous, plucky and reckless man who defied the government and believed in the equality for all, rich or poor, privileged or not…

Yes indeed, my eyes saw the truth. The reckless Robell was Leonel’s second self. Leonel, the obedient son, the strict servant to the highest authority of the government, a loyal royal subject who helped his father the Governor General to this colony, the one who would not let any disobedience get in the way for the strict law, and will help his father serve even if that meant inequality, cruelty and being unfair to the people, indeed, Leonel, the very exact opposite of the hero I knew that was Robell.

But why? Why did he do that?

I turned my head to look at Leonel.

He was still standing with his back on us.

“Leonel, face me and explain.” Don Leonardo firmly said. If there wasn’t a ball in the mansion he would’ve spoke with his voice raised. He was trying to be calm, but in vain.

Leonel slowly turned around. His eyes were on the ground and he looked stiff.

He was now facing us. I trembled. He then raised his head and I saw his eyes with its sharp and heavy gaze, seemingly powerful and frightening, turned to his father. Don Leonardo seemed surprised for his eyes widened more. He then frowned deeply.

“Leonel you are…” he said with a lower voice. He closed his eyes and took a very deep breath. His face was a bright red now.

He opened his eyes and spoke again. “Tell me, son. Are you…are you the impudent scoundrel that is Robell? Tell me you are not, for sure you aren’t…”

“My father, I am.”

There was a deafening silence. 

Don Leonardo’s hands shook tensely as he and Leonel exchanged glares. I almost forgot Ciro was beside him. Don Leonardo seemed so big with fury while Ciro with his angelic face seemed as small as a child. He was fidgeting, frowning with his doe eyes looking at his father then his brother. He was worrying for Leonel. I knew he knew all about it from the start.

Our eyes met and his were wide and round, madly anxious was screaming at me. But I could not do anything. I couldn’t even make myself move.

“Why!” Don Leonardo raged. “Why?! Tell me!”

“All I did were for a good reason, better than our swindling with the people who put their trust in us, do you not think so, father?” He said with a touch of calmness in his voice. But his throat was tight and his fists were clenched.

“I was expecting a better, more reasonable answer than that.” Don Leonardo replied with a calmer but lower heated voice.

“And what reason do you want? I am merely giving back to the people what they have lost, what we took away from them unrightfully.” His eyes were as sharp as a knife. “Ah, yes that is not good for us, for you. That mustn’t be so reasonable for you, father.”

Don Leonardo’s lips were trembling.

I finally understood him. He wanted to give justice to the people, especially the peasants but he was caged in his position as the eldest son of the highest government official of this colony.

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