Chapter XV - Getting Ready for the End

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“Robell?” I frowned, adjusting my eyes from the darkness.

He pulled his hand away from me. “I wouldn’t have allowed you to travel in nighttime, alone.” He said with his usually low voice that I’d come to memorize. I felt a fluttering sensation in the pit of my stomach hearing the voice I had so anticipated hearing.

He sighed softly. “But you’re here now and the plan is made, isn’t it?”

I nodded, biting my lip and looking down.

“Then would you just let me accompany you? It seems like you don’t even know how to ride the horse properly.”

I wanted to get mad at him, for not appearing in like, over a month, and then he’ll appear to me now, almost so casually? I’ve even thought he’d forgotten me. But now that I can see his deep, liquid eyes, glinting in the soft and dim light, so genuine and sincere…

“All right, it’s true; I’ve never rode a horse before. My first time was when you let me ride yours…” I said, remembering that moment.

He stretched his lips into a half smile. “Well then,” he stood up and offered his hand.

I took it. His hand felt so warm, while mine was so cold and yet, sweating.

He helped me climb the horse that’s still in the spot where she was when we crashed and then he climbed next with Goya.

“Hold on tight.” He said and off we go.

The night was almost perfect, with the sky clear and the round moon that looked daunting earlier now looking just magical. The cool wind that felt so sharp once, now felt so gentle as it blew my hair to my face.  I closed my eyes to feel the amazing atmosphere.

But the ride was uncomfortably quiet. Then I thought to break the ice casually.

“Hey,” I said, patting him slightly strong in the back.

“Ow, why?”

“Why didn’t you visit in over a month?” I forced myself to say. It took all my courage to say that.

“Oh… because… because…why do you want to know?”

I blinked and snorted in disgust. “Why do I want to know?” I snorted again.

Why? It’s just that it’s in you that I get half of the courage I need to face those liars and it’s just that you’re the only one who brightens up my dullest day, and that you’re a huge help to me everytime, and every minute with you I get to forget all my worries… because of your presence I wished to stay here in this world longer… Oh please don’t you go asking me ‘why’…

I shook away those impossible thoughts. “Well.. why? Just that… haven’t I told you before? You’re presence gives me comfort… I need it. That’s all.”

I felt him nodded. “I am glad to hear that.” He said in a now softer voice.

I smiled to myself. “Now, won’t you tell me why you were absent?”

He took some moments before he answered.

“I am certain you are aware of the brewing revolts everywhere, aren’t you?”

“Ah, yes…”

Then we were quiet. He intrigued me more in every single time I talk to him.

But however intriguing he was, there’s a thing that won’t leave me alone.

Would I tell him what the woman told me? That I… was Monica?

He knew Monica, so I expected his reaction won’t be simple.  What if he’ll think I’m insane? Or some kind of a gold digger that’s pretending to be Monica? No, perhaps I should not tell him.

A Leap Of FateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon