Chapter XXXV

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Chapter 35


The wind was unusually cold. I felt so chilled that shivers occasionally ran down my spine. But I stood straight and dignified, or so I tried.

It just rained and the whole mountain smelled so fresh. The strong and relaxing smell of wet grasses and trees was everywhere. The ground was muddy.

I watched as our men were getting ready for the battle. Some were polishing their Mauser riffles, some were tightening their combat boots, some were talking of strategies and a few were silently praying in the corner. I tried to appear hard and confident, but the truth was I was frightened. I was frightened for these men’s lives, the family that some of them should left behind, and the outcome of this battle.

I know I shouldn’t be calling this a battle. This would be a surprise attack, and Bienve’s troops should be off their guards. They should be helpless and scared as cats. We should be the victors and that’s how it’s supposed to be.

But for some reason, I just can’t help but feel nervous and uncertain. I knew I did a good job in showing Alix no signs of what I really felt. She needed my confidence and my strength and I won’t fail her.  But now I felt like worrying if I could come back home alive or even if papa could.  But I convinced myself from time to time that the outcome must be likely for us. We have every advantage. They didn’t know about our plan, they didn’t even know that we were already surrounding them. And we were at the higher body of the mountain while they were located lower than our place, so we could watch their every move. They will surely have a difficult time trying to escape. We have our gunmen who were also experts in swordsmanship. We even brought with us our champions in archery. The enemy has no way out now.

As I started thinking about all this, I started to feel calm. I licked my lips and tapped my fingers mindlessly on the wooden bed.

I thought about Alix and all of our plans. That made my hands go cold. We must finish this quickly, and then I could start my quiet life with Alix.

I looked up noticing that it was already too dark, probably around midnight. But our men were lively, anticipating and perhaps anxious as well. Some started drinking liquors but I forbade them. It’ll just make it difficult for them to focus.

But then I heard heavy steps walking towards my direction.  I looked up and saw papa.

He sat beside me.

“Is everything all right?” I asked.

“Yes, son, I just came from the spot where our spies hide. Everything is going on our way.”

“That is good. I hope no single soldier of ours dies.”

“Yes. But Leonel… what do you feel about killing Bienve…and his father?”

I raised an eyebrow. It was strange that he was asking such question.

“Well, we have to do it. It’s for everyone’s welfare. Our life would be much better, quiet and peaceful. And besides, he is a supporter the Crown. If we don’t kill them, they will us.”

He looked down. “But he has been a companion of yours when you were very little. You grew up together… like brothers…”

“But he’s different now…and just unforgiveable.” I simply said, though I’ve thought about that before and felt a tinge of hesitation.

He slowly nodded.

“Papa,” I frowned. “Are you remorsed?”

He didn’t answer. He just stared at the ground.

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