Chapter XIII- Barefooted and dazzled

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Chapter XIII

Barefooted and dazzled

I automatically drew my hands from Ciro’s hold. I looked at everyone and their faces held expressions of surprise and shock.

I swallowed. I didn’t know whether to run or just stay. My feet chose to stay.

Leonel frowned and sauntered towards our direction. His eyes were still on Ciro.

“Are you mad? Are you thinking, Ciro?” He said.

“I am Brother….and I thought you will support me…” Ciro said, his voice started to weaken.

“You know you can always rely on me, Ciro,” He said and then stopped just in front of me and Ciro. His eyes turned to me, sharp but confused then he turned to Ciro again. “You did not even asked Alix first.”

“Brother, it is all I know, that I love Alix.”

“Ciro stop this madness, please.”

“I am not mad brother.”

“Ciro, you know what you want right now is utterly impossible and untimely.”


“Ciro, listen to your brother!” Don Leonardo roared. “Alix is here to settle some things and to have a good break from her task, please do not ruin her time here, Ciro!”

Ciro turned to his father then to his mother. “Mama…”

“Ciro, stop it now.” Doña Beatriz quietly but sharply said.

Ciro was quiet for a moment which made me turn to look at him. His eyes started to become watery.

I bit my lip and looked down. I didn’t know what to do.

I looked up and turned to Ciro. “Ciro,” I broked the silence.

He turned his head to look at me. His eyes looked hopeless.

“Ciro, let us just talk about this… outside..?”

He blinked and his face livened up a little. He raised his eyebrows.

I nodded.

He shot a glance at his brother first then walked out of the room with me.

I stopped by the porch in the back garden. He stood beside me. I looked at him and sat. He did the same.

It was quietness and awkwardness at first. I waited for him to speak but I figured I was the one who called him here. I sighed quietly and spoke.

“Ciro… do you really want to do that?” I said in a soft and low voice.

He nodded with determined face. “Yes, Alix. I hope you see by now how I am really determined to marry you.”

I nodded understandingly. “I am glad to know that…. You feel something special…. For me…” I bit my lip. I thought it sounded so wrong. It was so hard finding the right words.

He smiled widely. “I am pleased to know that. Does it mean…”

“Oh, no.” I quickly said and I saw his smile disappeared. I immediately spoke again. “I mean… I wish you asked me first, you know… this is not as simple as you’re probably thinking of… especially for me. We’re still so young.”

“So, you are declining my proposal?”

I wanted to shake my head, seeing the pained expression in his face. But I had to say the truth to him, should I not?

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