Frozen Night

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After the three girls had gotten leave of the headmaster, Toshiro again glanced around the front courtyard to the academy, his eyes trying to take in everything that he could see, however, to his dismay, Hinamori took it into her own incentive to take him to the dorms, end of story. He felt himself being pulled off of his feet, which still hurt from wandering around all day. Not to mention she had grabbed his hand like he was a toddler.

He tried to keep up with Momo, which normally he would have been able to pass her. However, he instead found after a couple of steps, his legs giving away and him crashing down onto the ground, his knees hitting hard. She still held onto his hand, so she was almost pulled down as well. Instead, she ended up turning around on him, an upset look still in her eyes.

"You don't need to treat me like a child," were the first words that came out of his mouth as he hissed in pain as the dirt ground into the cuts in his two knees and the palm of his left hand.

"I wouldn't treat you like a child if you didn't act like one," Momo suddenly sighed, helping him up carefully and over to a water fountain in the courtyard. "Why would you do something this crazy, coming all this way and leaving grandmamma all alone like that?"

Toshiro instead turned his head away from her, not exactly looking her in the face. She carefully wetted a handkerchief that she happened to have with her. The other two girls came over, worried looks on their faces. "I'm fine Hinamori."

"Should we go and see if we can't get one of the students who know healing Kido to take a look at him?" one of the girls stated, her reddish brown braid bouncing up and down.

"I can get Kira-kun to look at him when we get back to the dorm area for our year," Hinamori sighed, slowly taking the wet cloth to Toshiro's scraped up hand and knees, slowly cleaning them up.

"Hinamori-chan… I think that his feet are a little raw too," the other girl suddenly commented, having caught a glimpse at the bottom of Toshiro's feet as he moved them to get more comfortable.

"You two can just call me Momo. No need for formalities," Hinamori sighed, as she watched the young boy move his feet so that she couldn't look at them. However, she carefully picked them up. "Hitsugaya Toshiro… how long were you wandering around today?"

"Since this morning," he stated, not able to lie to Momo, knowing this was one of those times she would know that he was lying to her.

"Shiro-chan!" Hinamori's eyes suddenly went wide. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"Hi… Momo-chan… why is it that you are not so into formalities as much as your little brother is?" one of the girls suddenly asked.

"Oh… I don't really know. I guess he was younger when grandma found him, so she rubbed off more one him. However… he sometimes breaks formality to be mean," the girl smiled at the two other girls. "Could one of you go and get Kira please."

"Bed wetter Momo, I'm right here!" Toshiro hissed as the two girls hurried off.

The reply he got from the girl was a frown. "She… that is what I mean. I brought Kira and Renji by some time ago, do you remember?"

"I don't really care," Toshiro didn't look her in the eyes, though it was possible that he remembered.

"You're hiding something from me, aren't you?" she asked, causing him to suddenly turn to her, his eyes slightly wide, making his appearance seem less cold. A smile suddenly spread on her face. "I knew it, you are hiding something? Did you cook up this scheme just to come see me? We can take a bath together later tonight, all right?"

"Hinamori!' the white haired boy's eyes suddenly grew wider and he suddenly back peddled, not realizing he was falling straight into the pond, causing a huge splash.

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