Death of a Shiba (Part 2)

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When Hinamori Momo arrived at tenth division, she found things to be rather tranquil. She had found Toshiro's lieutenants badge over by sixth division and had decided to use that as an opportunity to stop by and apologize as she had found out second hand why he was so upset, and knew she had defiantly been in the wrong.

When she stepped through the doorway of the offices, she found that Matsumoto was no where to be seen. It was possible that the third seat was yet again out drinking, which explained why things were so quiet. However, a small white haired boy was also missing, when there was obviously still paper work to be taken care of, as Isshin was still working at his desk.

"Good evening, Hinamori," Isshin stated rather dryly. "What do we owe this pleasurable visit for?"

"Is Shiro-chan around," the small female asked.

"He's been moping in his room since he found out… you saw how he took the news about them dying. Then again, you thought he was throwing a childish tantrum at you," Isshin muttered, multiple things causing him to be irritable that day.

"Actually, about that… I came to apologize to him," the girl muttered, then glanced up. "Are you sure he hasn't been out of his room?"

Isshin's face softened as soon as he heard the word, apologize. A small, weak smile came to the man's face. "Other then the memorial service, he's been in his room. I've barely gotten him to eat anything the last few days."

"Sweet natto," Hinamori muttered, twiddling her thumbs.

"Excuse me?" Isshin suddenly became confused.

"His favorite food is amanatto," Hinamori stated, her eyes suddenly brightening. "When he is not feeling to well and isn't eating, grandma always tries sweet natto… and watermelon works too…"

"Thank you for the nice tip," the man smiled, partially from her advice, partially from the fact that he had found out that his fuko-taicho had an actual sweet tooth.

However, Hinamori frowned, confusion on her small face. "Are you sure he's been in his room all day, Isshin-san taicho."

"Yes. Why do you ask?" the man suddenly became confused also. "Well, other then the service…"

"I found his lieutenants badge over by sixth division and thought to return it," Hinamori stated. "Oh… and I apologize… I didn't mean it when I said I hate you. And…"

"Sixth division… he was wearing his badge when we went out today, but we passed no where near…" Isshin's eyes suddenly went wide as his pondering came to a certain conclusion from the girl's words. "I have to take my leave Momo-chan. I believe I may be wrong about him not being out… but please send a hell butterfly to Matsumoto to come find me."

"Is he in trouble?" Hinamori's eyes suddenly welled with tears.

"I hope he isn't, but if I am right, this is one captain he doesn't want to mess around with," the man muttered, almost frantically.

"Toshiro wouldn't be that stupid…"

"No… but he may be trying to stop someone else who might not be thinking rationally right now from getting themselves hurt or worse. He might thus also get himself into trouble," Isshin muttered, shunpooing away, but not before he asked Momo not to get involved beyond what he had asked.


Kuchiki Byakuya was livid as he confronted the intruder on his family property. His younger sister had gone into a majorly depressed state of mind and Ukitake taicho had insisted that the young shingami take a break from duty, to which Byakuya didn't argue, though silently he was glad. He definitely though, was not glad of the intrusion he saw before him.

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