Tenth Division

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Hinamori was dropped off the next morning, with Matsumoto going all bubbly on the girl about getting the girl set up into her living quarters at the division, to which Toshiro watched with total boredom. Though it was rather humorous to see Renji Abarai fall out of a tree that he had been sleeping in the night before to announce that he too had been accepted into the fifth division.

He then shunpooed after the third seat, having problems keeping up with her, he felt due to the fact that she was able to take longer strides. What ever the case was, by the time they arrived at the tenth division, he found himself panting from the exertion. Matsumoto smiled. "For the top of your class, you have some practice still."

"Shut up," Toshiro muttered, bending over and clutching his knees. He caught his breath and followed her to the office of the tenth division.

"Ahh… our third seat has returned with one of our new possible recruits," a voice spoke up. Toshiro blinked his eyes, recognizing the man as the one who had been with Isshin the day he joined the academy.

"You were with Isshin-san that night when I froze the boys' dorms," Toshiro stated with surprise.

"Ahh… I am Tomo Atsuo, lieutenant of the tenth division," the man commented, rearranging the papers on the desk.

"Does that mean…" Toshiro muttered, having a good idea of what was going on. "That Isshin-san is the taicho of the tenth division?"

"How did you know that he was captain rank?" Matsumoto suddenly asked.

"I saw him with his captains cloak once, but didn't get to see the division number," Toshiro muttered, his face contorting as he tried to figure out what to think about the situation. Suddenly he felt himself grabbed from behind in a hug.

"Papa is happy that Ran-chan and Shiro-chan are home!" the captain stated.

"Hell no…" Toshiro's face turned a tad bit pale, his cheeks suddenly turning green. He suddenly saw Matsumoto's fist go flying right above his head and something staggering backward away from him. He turned to see Isshin passed out on the ground. "Is she technically allowed to do that?"

"She does it all the time Hitsugaya," the second seat stood up. "Since you happened to have taken the task of knocking him out, it is your turn to get him to forth division."

"Aww… but I wanted to show Toshiro-kun around the division," Matsumoto pouted.

"Rangiku…" the lieutenant narrowed his eyes, causing the woman to suddenly scoop up the taicho and remove him from the room. Toshiro was still staring in complete shock. "Your probably wondering if you choose the right division? I sometimes think the same thing."

"Then what makes you think that you picked the right one?" Toshiro asked, turning his completely shocked face towards the man.

"Ahh… that would be because this division is set up like a family," Tomo Atsuo smiled. "And don't mind taicho, he tends to be overly affectionate. He's also very protective of his subordinates."

"Is he… he's always touchy feely like that, isn't he?" Toshiro muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable, feel free to attack him. Hell… he was probably expecting you to do something back there," the man suddenly laughed.

"That makes no sense at all," Toshiro folded his arms, glaring at the man.

"No… it wouldn't, unless you actually know Isshin," Tomo indicated for Toshiro to take a seat on the couch and he sat down too, instead of a chair. "He thinks that if he can get Ran-chan to attack him, it improves her ability to attack back any potential… threats."

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