Push to Excel

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Hinamori woke up in the morning, not knowing about any of the events that had transpired the night before. Thus, she went straight to the dormitories to look for the three boys, particularly Toshiro, whom she had planned on personally walking home that afternoon, after perhaps she gave him a tour of the campus. She waited outside the dorms, watching as other sixth year males turned and gave her weird looks, for which she didn't quite understand.

She then was suddenly startled as a man walked up to her, picking his nose of all things. She took one look at him, and made a disgusted face. "You're that man that the head master was speaking with yesterday."

"Oh, yes, I guess I am," the man suddenly stopped picking his nose, almost as if he had been doing it no annoy her and wiped his hand on his shingami robes. "What of it?"

"You wouldn't happen to know if a boy with maroonish hair, the white haired boy and another came by here while I wasn't watching," the girl suddenly stated.

The man blinked. "Oh… I forgot that no one told you, as it was so late at night."

"Told me what?" she suddenly asked.

"That they moved those three to the teachers' dorms for the night," the man folded his arms smirking. "My name is Isshin by the way."

"What did they get moved for?" she asked, then startled. "No last name?"

"Nope," the man stated, not answering her first question and walking off towards the teachers' dormitories. "I hate being so formal, even though some people get insulted when I become informal with them."

Hinamori then stood up, puffing out her cheeks trying to keep her temper with the man. "Hold on! What happened that they had to be moved?"

"Come and follow me or you'll miss the commotion that is going on with the academy teachers. I would say that things are going to get interesting when the headmaster makes his announcement to the other teachers, if he hasn't made it all ready," the man continued to walk at a pace she could follow.

When they arrived at the teachers' dorm, the man waved his hand. "The girl is with me."

Hinamori, never having been inside this part of the dorms before found her head darting left and right. It wasn't that the place was any nicer then the dorm she was in, but it was defiantly more secluded, more quite, not to mention the teachers didn't room with each other. They then came to a couple of doors that the man pushed open.

"Hello everyone!" the man called out as a bunch of the teachers glanced up. One of the teachers saw Hinamori.

"Child, shouldn't you be in class?" the man suddenly stated.

"What class… unless you count the ones led by older students," another commented. "All of us were called here as the headmaster found it quite important to do so.

"My… I wonder what all the excitement is about." Isshin suddenly chuckled, motioning for Hinamori to take a seat with him next to where Kira and Renji were sitting.

"You wonder what this is all about." Kira suddenly asked, as if he was surprised by the man's statement. "You know as you were rather involved with the events."

Renji though laughed. "He was being sarcastic! Wonderful!"

"Renji! Kira! Where's Shiro-chan!" Hinamori suddenly snapped at the two boys, causing them to both startle. "I let him go with you because I trusted you to take care of him!"

"Hinamori-san… Hitsugaya-kun is in the room over there with the headmaster and three other teachers," Kira suddenly stammered out.

"And in case you haven't noticed, the brat can very well take care of himself," Renji suddenly narrowed his eyes. "There is no way I'm going to get kicked by him for acting like a mother hen."

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