Of Boars and Boys

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Isshin knew that if he just ordered Toshiro to take a vacation and visit his grandmother, he knew that the boy would have a fit, first because he didn't take vacations, and second, the young one still had a fear of killing his grandmother with his reiatsu. This was something that Isshin wondered if he would ever get over.

So, what Isshin told him was a different scenario, in which he was to act as a civilian and help his grandmother out until Kukaku could be allowed on her feet, which would be a few days or so. He also told the boy that with someone as experienced as Kukaku in spirit energy, he had no need to worry about freezing his grandmother again.

This had caused the woman to smirk, and tell the young boy that she knew plenty of fire attacks, to which the small boy gave her a frown and said something about the fire bird being missing from the names, to which the woman raised her eyebrow in confusion, but then shook her head.

The truth of the matter, Toshiro's true job was to babysit Ganju. Ganju who was supposed to be much older then him. A boy who happened to have trouble follow him with all capitals. A boy so dumb that Kukaku had reason to call him useless, and Toshiro actually had to agree with her on this. A boy who naturally didn't listen or think.

The two of them had been tasked by Kukaku to go and buy some pork for their dinner, some vegetables, a smoking pipe and some tobacco. That should have in itself have been and easy task, except Ganju of course had to make it hard, making Toshiro fill like he was going mental, not to mention seriously kill his taicho.

It all started with them setting out from the house, early in the morning so that Toshiro wouldn't attract to much attention to himself due to his looks, however, Ganju strutted about almost like a peacock, his voice loud and harsh, probably waking up everyone. There were a few people who threw insults, more meant for Toshiro then Ganju.

However, Ganju thought that the men were calling him a jinx, not the small white haired boy. "Just because I am loud and obnoxious doesn't mean I am a jinx!"

To that, Toshiro gave him a very hard kick from behind, then grabbed him by the back of his clothing and dragged him off. "I have enough problems around here without you causing an embarrassing scene."

"Who asked you?" Ganju retorted, pulling free, and suddenly taking off running towards the market, only to have Toshiro shunpoo in front of him.

"As I recall, we are here to get something done, not to play around," the boy narrowed his two teal eyes menacingly.

"No!" Ganju stated, running around the boy again. "I have the money!"

Toshiro's eye twitched, remembering how the boy had snatched the money right out of Kukaku's hand when she had tried to hand in instead to the shingami, to which she gave a sigh that should have forewarned him about the incoming headache. He walked down the street, muttering foul words under his breath, avoiding anyone who might wish to cause him problems.

When he found Ganju, he found the boy to be perched up on a pole, glancing around and causing another scene. "Where oh where can I buy a pig!"

"Pork! We're buying pork you idiot!" Toshiro snapped, hearing the mummers of the people around him, noticing that he had appeared again after a long time missing. Things were defiantly not going his way.

"I am not an idiot! I am saying, we are here to buy a pig!" Ganju yelled at the top of his lungs. Toshiro could hear the laughter coming softly from the sides as people tried to hide their mirth.

"Ganju… we had best not make your sister wait, had we?" Toshiro stated.

The boy hopped down and began to walk through the stalls. "I didn't give you permission to say my name shingami."

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