Sleepless Nights

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After Aizen's division, Toshiro found himself once a week going and helping other divisions with small tasks through none where he ended up passing out due to heat exhaustion. However, he was seriously wandering how the division ran itself, his was lucky to have Tomo as lieutenant.

The first week he had gone to help Kuchiki Byakuya, the captain of sixth catch up on the small among of paperwork that had accumulated due to not having a lieutenant to help. The man however spent a good hour and a half staring at Toshiro. He then got called away due to a matter dealing with his younger sister and he reluctantly handed the paper work to the young shingami.

He then found that the paperwork that needed to be recopied had been scribbled on with some sort of colored wax substance he was unfamiliar with. This scribbling probably explained why the sixth division captain had given him such an awkward look though. Also, it wasn't until later that he found out that it wasn't Kuchiki Rukia who had done the scribblings either.

The stay at the forth division was uneventful, other then meeting a very awkward young shingami who managed to be fooled by everything. Toshiro figured that most people would wonder how the boy had gotten the rank he had, but the white haired shingami thought Unohana to be extremely bright, so there was a likely reason for him having a seated position.

Third week, he was stuck watching the lieutenant of the eight division, who had been at his graduation, beat up her captain. This clarified that Isshin wasn't the only captain who had his subordinates beat up on him for doing dumb things. However, Toshiro had to say that he was shocked that the reason was that the captain had offered a minor sake; then again, the man was drunk.

However, as of the forth week, Toshiro confirmed that there was a division crazier then his own, not including the notorious eleventh. Somehow, the paperwork, to both Isshin and General Yamamoto's later ire, passed by all proper channels straight into Toshiro's hands. After he had found that a certain captain wanted to experiment on him, he decided it was best to get the notes looked over by his taicho, even if the order came from a captain.

Toshiro didn't know what the punishment that captain received, however a few of the other tenth division members had made the mistake of talking about some of the rumors about the twelfth division as soon as he got back, causing him to have some problems getting to sleep at night, who wouldn't with such rumors. The one good thing was, the being sent off to the other divisions ended up stopping.

However, he continued to wander due to the bad habit and a few other things including nightmares. That was how he happened to pass Matsumoto's door one night, to find it ajar, little light going in as it was moonless. A small bit of worry spread over his features, as she usually kept it closed, possibly so she would have no peeping toms. "Matsumoto-san? Rangiku?"

At first, his mind told him not to invade her privacy, however, something was bothering him, so he stepped into the room and crept forward. His foot touched the futon, and he reached down and touched where he thought the third seats shoulder should be.

The next thing he knew was that someone had grabbed his arm and flipped him over them, nearly wrenching his shoulder socket out of place. The person propped themselves up on one elbow and had maneuvered both of their hands around his neck, squeezing as they did so. Toshiro's hands reached up to grab the bony ones.

He swore he could sense the person's eyes opening wider. Whatever the case, he felt the grip on his neck lessen and the person suddenly speak up, perhaps some concern in their voice. "Shiro-chan?"

"Gin… what's going on," came Rangiku's voice.

Toshiro's cheeks turned a little bit pink, however, he found room to voice something, or more to chook it out. "It's Hitsugaya."

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