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The world around Toshiro changed yet again when he came back from his grandmother's house, as many of the sixth year students were working on their way to graduating from the academy. There was almost no sign of the fact that Sojiro had been there, except the hum of a few of the older boys friends who really had known nothing about the friendship between the two.

One couldn't say that no one remembered, as one of the talks of Sojiro's older friends had been about how Sojiro would have been likely to have been chosen by the student body to make the speech at the graduation. But now all of that was silenced, no memorial or remembrance for the boy planned at all. In fact, there was some talk about the canceling of the graduation speech, though Toshiro hadn't an idea why, other then the forty-six likely had something to do with him.

Without the older boy to hang out with, the white haired boy found himself yet again retreating into the library, where he could dive into the quite, listening to the winds that blew through the corridors, silent to so many ears. Of course, it was more of a nostalgic feeling that the old building brought about. He also found himself once again zoning out to try to get away from his problems.

"Shiro-chan?" came a soft voice. Toshiro glanced up, suddenly quite in shock to find Hinamori standing in front of him.

"It's Hitsugaya-kun," the boy muttered, not taking the time to glare at her or to put of the protective barrier that he normally showed. "You promised."

Hinamori let out a sigh and sat down across from him, folding her arms. "Toshiro, technically you weren't old enough to enter the academy, so does it really count?"

"Then I'll continue to call you bed wetter Momo," the small boy chided. "What is it that you want?"

"I over heard about how you got sick. Renji told me he took you home to visit grandmother," the girl frowned.

"I wasn't…" Toshiro paused. "Hinamori, I was fine, so you don't need to worry about me."

"Renji says that you went into some sort of shock and got half way out and half way in your inner world," the girl sighed. "Though that really makes no sense to me."

"It makes perfect sense to me," a roar came into Toshiro's ears.

"Of course it would make sense to you. Everything makes sense to you," Toshiro rolled his eyes. He then saw Hinamori puff out her cheeks. "Sorry… Hyorinmaru made an off hand comment; it had nothing to do with you Hinamori."

"Oh… so that's you're zanpaktou's name?" Hinamori smiled. "What is she like?"

"She?" Toshiro got an insulted look on his face. "Hyorinmaru is a male ice dragon thank you very much."

"Sorry," Hinamori got a suddenly sad look on her face and glanced at the ground.

"So… what exactly is bothering you, I mean, you can see I am fine, right?" the boy put his chin into the palm of his hand and leaned on his elbow.

"Well… I don't think that Renji is completely right. Both he and Kira refused to go with me, but I went to that kid Kusaka Sojiro's funeral," Hinamori commented. "Renji had no clue who he was, no surprise and Kira asked if I was another one of those few girls who had a crush on him… the nerve of him."

"Hold… why did you go to the funeral?" Toshiro suddenly gave her a shocked look.

"Because Shiro-chan was to sick to go, so I went for him to pay my respects," the girl puffed out her cheeks again.

"Hinamori Momo, what do you think you're doing?" Toshiro suddenly snapped. "I wasn't too sick not to go."

"But surely you had heard about the funeral, I mean, even you aren't rude enough to not go if you could," Hinamori blurted out, her eyes suddenly going wide.

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