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Hitsugaya Toshiro woke up the next day before the other possible recruits; however found that some of the tenth division members were already up that early in the morning. He saw them chatting about a few things, but didn't fill like joining in on their conversation. He just sat in the courtyard, enjoying the breeze that was flowing through.

He then saw that information was being put up on one of the boards that were used for communication in the division and stood up to go look for them. He noted that the list for the new recruits were up and scanned them for his name, first for those who were not considered ample for the Gotei thirteen, then those being transferred, then the normal list, then the one with seated positions.

"It isn't here Hyorinmaru," he thought to his zanpaktou.

"There is likely a very good reason for this Hitsugaya-kun," the dragon stated softly into his ears.

"Yet I can not think of one… I feel like they have forgotten me…" the boy suddenly commented, walking back to where he was to sit, putting his chin into the palm of his hand.

One of the tenth division members noticed him and walked over. "Are you the kid who blew a whole in the division training room?"

One of Toshiro's eyebrows rose up. His dragon then made the comment that he didn't want to hear. "Perhaps because of our little mishap, they have decided to degrade you to probation."

"That was rude and cruel," Toshiro's inner voice muttered to the dragon. "Do most zanpaktou's communicate as much with there shingami host as you do?"

"Shingami host… is that the best way that you can describe our relationship?" the dragon snapped. "And I was only stating what you fear the worst of."

"It was to describe the relationship of zanpaktou and shingami in general," Toshiro inwardly thought. "Do you really think that I think of you as a symbiotic being that saps the life out of me? Perhaps saps out my brain cells at times, but not my life."

"Did my Hitsugaya Toshiro just make a joke?" the dragon chuckled. "The reason I communicate so much with you is because you 'want' to communicate this much with me. You find me a useful source of information, a great asset."

"Stop thinking of yourself as some sort of stupid tool," came the white haired boys reply. "I don't like the sounds of that."

"Then do you consider me your friend?" the dragon suddenly asked.

"I promised myself that I wouldn't make another friend… however, I can only lose you if I die. But not friend… more of an irreplaceable part of me…" the boy suddenly stated, then realized that a hand was waving in front of his face. "What?"

"I asked you a question on whether or not you were the one who smashed the roof on the division training room. The other recruits stated that you were the only one left when they all left, and that the roof was fine," the man sighed.

"So what if I was?" Toshiro muttered, a tad bit upset with what had happened the previous day.

"Well… that means that you have a pretty powerful zanpaktou. It is quite understandable if one is just out of the academy if they can't control their zanpaktou's either, but to cause that much damage isn't due to control I think," the man stated.

"So… I still don't get the point," Toshiro closed his eyes and placed a chin in the palm of his hand while his elbow rested on his knee, which was crossed across his other leg.

"Do you know if we're getting to keep you? Or are you going to transfer to one of the other divisions?" the person asked.

"My name is not on the list, so how should I know," the boy grumbled.

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