Obsession Meets Insanity

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Johnny's POV

Standing there on the roof of the Baxter Building I look out onto the mid afternoon New York sky. Things seemed peaceful from up here, calm. But the raging thoughts and emotions fighting for dominance in my head were certainly not.

While getting up this morning I refused to look in the mirror, I've already heard enough of how horrid my appearance was. From everyone's complaints I've gathered that I have bags under my eyes the size of cargo holds, even a raccoon won't use my hair as a nest, my teeth have gone yellow, I have permanent pit stains that all the flies in the area have gotten acquainted to, and Susan says she can literally see green fumes coming out of my mouth.

But whatever, I don't care.

What's the point?

The very reason why I get up in the morning is gone! Half the reason why I put myself together is to see the shy blush on Vick's face every time she checks me out and assumes I'm not noticing! What's the point in brushing my teeth when I'll probably never get to kiss those sweet haunting lips again!?

Probably? My mind taunts me. Dude face it, she's gone...

But I refuse to believe that, I just can't bring myself to face the notion that Vick's gone, I just can't...

I look out onto the horizon again.

For some reason, nothing looks beautiful anymore. Everything might as well be a dull grey. I hadn't realized how much of an impact she left on me...how much color she brought into my life.

And now I'm reduced to a mundane existence, without her I barely have the drive to breathe air.

How can one person leave such an impact on you? How can that one person become everything you live and breathe? How can you become so obsessed?

And all the fangirls made it look so easy, I muse to myself.

All those times I was acting petty, or being jealous, or acting like a jerk for my own selfish reasons. Now she's gone and all that....just seems worthless. You go through all these trails and troubles and bring up a shit ton of problems, when in the end you solve nothing and wind up at a dead end.

I love you Johnny Storm, came the voice that haunted my nights for the past four days. It was always accompanied by the 5 second flash of memory where I see vivid brown eyes, a cracking outstretched arm, her sad smile of acceptance, those haunting words, and the disintegration.

And as always a sudden sharp pain pierces my heart with the same accuracy and always in the same spot. I grit my teeth as I try hard not to let the tears fall. If they fell it would be an unspoken admission to myself that Victoria really and truly was gone.

"If only I had the chance to tell her..." I sigh out to myself.

"Tell her what?" the soft footstep sounded from behind me, I turn and see Reed, sharply dressed in his best and blackest suit, make his way towards me.

"Nothing" I say to him firmly.

"Is that so?" Reed comes and stands next to me at the edge of the roof, looking out into the direction that I was.

"What do you want?" I barely stop myself from growling at him.

"Susan" he simply says.

I nod in understandment....wait, is that even a word?

"I see that you're not dressed," Reed points out.

"Dressed for what?" I grit out, not wanting to hear what he says next.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora