My One Normal Weekend

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I woke up with a burp.

My right arm still throbbed but the doctor said I heal pretty quickly, so I didn’t need to wear a sling 24/7, only when it starts to hurt.

I flung myself on my back and breathed in the clean air of my room deeply.

Saturday mornings.

It was a gift from God.

One that I never take for granted, if you know what I mean. Plus the gang was away. Sad but true.

Susan, Reed and Johnny were on a trip to meet Reed’s folks, I so didn’t want to tag along, Susan and Johnny were Reed’s family…technically I wasn’t. Ben and Alicia were off on a romantic weekend (gag me), Sara went off with her Aunt and Uncle for a family reunion and David was dragged kicking and screaming by his mom so they could go on a ‘mother-son’ bonding trip. Kevin (the latest addition-to Johnny’s disdain- to our gang) was still in town but his big brother was visiting so he couldn’t swing by.

So I was all alone, unsupervised, in a house, with my powers. You need to see the grin on my face right now. I peek up at the ceiling, Herbie was still active and I can’t fully enjoy my weekend till he wasn’t.

“Herbie Hibernate” I say the command.

“As you wish” Herbie said happily, “It’s been 16 days since I had a day off” he adds, and goes off line with a blink-click sound like when a TV goes off.

“Ah, peace and quiet” I snuggled closer into my bed. “I’m all alone!” I yell to the ceiling.

And it felt good.

Reed and Susan wanted to have a fit at the idea of leaving me back, but I dutifully reminded them of the fact that I kicked Dooms butt all on my own and saved them. That shut them up, I told them not to worry and that I could take care of myself. Ben, God bless him, backed me up. Johnny was silent most of the time and Tony shrugged it off. For those of you who’ve been absent, Tony is my second God-Father now, self appointed. Apparently seeing Doom choke me to near death was enough to scare even the great Tony Stark.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Tony but the guy has this childish stubbornness that makes you want to wring his neck. He was against the idea of me not wearing my arm sling and also for the fact that I didn’t want to start being tested anytime soon. It made Reed want to pull his hair out but I stood my ground, I wasn’t ready for another bombshell secret, I wanted what little semblance of normal I could get and say bye-bye to it later.

There were several levels of hardness in this life. Being a cheerleader was hard, being a guitarist was hard, being talented and goddamn beautiful (might I add) was hard, having powers was extra hard, having a maybe-blackhole inside you was really hard, but having interstellar cosmic powers of pure energy was crossing some kinda line!

I groan out and cover my face with my pillow.

One normal weekend.

That’s all I want.

Something normal on which I can build all the crazy on top of so I can stay remotely sane. Thank you very much.

And with that oh-so-happy thought in mind, note the sarcasm, I push myself out of bed and walk out my room.

I yawn deeply as I scratch my armpit, walking down the corridor. Normally I’d take a shower before I’d even step out of my room, but I’m alone, heck I’m even walking around in my jammies. It comprised of a sleeveless white top with yellow and red polka dots and match night shorts that barely covered my bum.

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