Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Oh hell no!

I formed an ice club in my hand and smashed the underside of tube to pieces. I ducked out from under it and race down the platform.

“No, no, no, no, no” I kept repeating.

“Vick, what’re you doing?” Johnny says urgently. He steps up towards me to restrain me but I use one hand and flip him on his back, yanked his shirt clear off his body and drew it down on mine.

I yank on the hem of the shirt down to my knees and race from the lab.

“Nope, no way, not at all, not me, no!” I recited as I raced out the lab, down the corridor, into the hallway, passed the living room. My feet slap down on the fuzzy carpet as I bolt to my room, I don’t even glance at Johnny’s. I ram the door shut, lock it.

“Victoria isn’t it best-” Herbie began to say. I throw my arm up at the dome camera, spray snow onto the lenses to prevent him from seeing me.

I jump onto my bed and cover myself in my duvet. I just curl up in a small ball in the center and let the shame and embarrassment shower down on me.

Tony Stark saw me.

I felt the stab of mental pain in my heart. I rake my fingernails over my legs to make the pain go away…ironic, I want pain gone by inflicting more pain, funny.

“No, no, no, no” I mutter to myself.

He saw me in my undies! No barriers! He must be laughing his head off right about now.

I push my head under my pillow.

Dear God, take me now, kill me, blast me with lightening, incinerate me, obliterate me, puck me off this earth…anything but let me live with this pain.

I hear footsteps race to my door, the person on the other side jiggled the handle, found it lock and started yelling.

I stuff pillows on either sides of my head and burrowed deeper into my blanket. While all the time repeating, “No, no, no. Oh no. Please no. God no. Oh please God no

I hear muffled yells, but as far as I knew no one had gotten into the room.

Thank God!

What was I supposed to do? I can’t go back out their! Hell, I’m gonna shave my hair, glue on a mustache and move to new Mexico and call myself Arrya.

Then the smell hit me.

The sweet, masculine scent mixed with a heady cologne that did weird things to my tummy.

Why did I smell Johnny?

My subconscious mentally smacked me.

Duh dummy! Cause you wearing his shirt! Remember?

I look down at the faded red shirt on my body and smiled to myself. I’m wearing Johnny Storm’s shirt, he gave me his shirt.

Uh, correction-You ripped it right off his body like a crazy person.

I run my hand over the shirt’s material, it was comfy and soft. Like those comfy shirts or sweaters that you wear all the time like a second skin.

I wrap my arms around the shirt, as if I was hugging the owner. Cause this was as could as I’ll ever get.

Under the blanket I felt warm, safe…and happy.

I imagined myself in here but with Johnny besides me, I closed my eyes and I could picture it as a reality. His huge head with that gorgeous straight face afew inches above mine, his clear blue eyes looking down at mine like I was the only girl in the world. His lips having that playful devilish childhood boyish smile. His fingers reaching up and caressing my face…

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang