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"What's that?" Lauren asked Luigi with a wondering look.

"Uhm, breakfast." He placed the tray on the table beside Lauren's bed.

"I can see that, Luigi. I mean, you don't have to bring me my breakfast, I can join and help you guys downstairs."

Luigi laughed nervously. He didn't know how to break the news to his friend, so he decided to bring her breakfast. Maybe food could somewhat help him.

"Just eat okay? Come on! It's your first morning here in my house and it has to be special." He said.

Lauren looked at the tray. There were grapes, bacon, cheese, toast and milk tea. She squinted at Luigi. Something seemed off, like there was a reason why he was doing it.

But she was starving, so she started to eat. Luigi watched her closely as she filled her toast with bacon and cheese.

"Did you sleep well?" Luigi asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, this place is really cozy. I also finished my comic strip, the ambiance helped a lot."

He beamed at her. "That's really nice! I knew this place could help you!"

When she finished her meal, Luigi knew  it was the right time to break the news.

"Uhm, Lo?" Luigi began, then swallowed hard. "I have to tell you something."

She stared at him. She was right. There was a reason why Luigi made him a breakfast in bed and fed him grapes.

"What was it?" She asked calmly. She was thinking, maybe it was just about work, or that Dustin and Luigi changed their mind about giving her the attic which she wouldn't mind.

Luigi licked his dry lips. "Well, uhm. Don't be furious, okay? But someone else will live in this house, too."

"Oh, okay. Uhm, do I need to leave or-

"No, no!" He cut in. "It's not like that. No one is leaving, I mean we have a friend who will occupy the room next to us."

She stared at him. "And?"

He breathed out, then spat the words he was holding on his tongue.

"It's Zayn."

Lauren's jaw dropped. "You got to be kidding me." She whispered, her eyes not leaving her friend's face.

"I'm not got to be kidding you, Lo," Luigi replied. "I'm sorry, he's Dustin's good friend and he needed help, too. Like you, he can't go home to his family and his other friends don't have any space for him."

She clenched her eyes shut. Just when she thought she was free from her worst nightmare, reality punched her in the face.

"Lauren, I think it's okay. This house is big enough for the two of you to move and ignore each other," he said, hoping that she wouldn't pack her bags and ran away. He liked it when she was around. Her calmness complemented his roughness and he liked how she could make things brighter with her optimism. It was like having a ball of sunshine in the house. He already had the moon, which was Dustin.

Lauren sighed. She knew she couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't her house and Dustin had the every right to decide who lives in his house. Dustin was a very kind guy and she was aware of it. There was no way on earth that he would let his friend sleep on the streets.

So she got no other choice but to accept the situation or stay in the hotel, which would hurt her savings big time. If she would choose the hotel, she would start from scratch again and her goal to buy her own house would be affected.

The A-hole Next Door (completed)Where stories live. Discover now