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Zayn narrowed his eyes through the window, and the brightness outside almost blinded him. His left eye stung a bit because of the light. He immediately covered his face with his arm, then tried to sit up.

Reality finally hit him. He thought he was on his bed, but he was actually on the floor with two ladies sleeping soundly beside him. Anna and Ashley were both curled up, wearing only their undies and smudged makeups. Zayn's mind recalled what happened last night; he saw Ashley in the bar where his band performed, they drank, went home to make out and they found Anna in the house. And it all ended in a steamy and wild threesome in the living room.

Zayn carefully stood up so he wouldn't wake the girls up. He looked around for his glasses and he found them on the couch beside the empty bag of Cheetos. He suddenly remembered that Lauren saw him making out with the two ladies. He laughed softly. Lauren's stunned face never failed to entertain him.

He went to the bathroom and just when he was about to touch the door knob, the door opened. Lauren almost jumped when he saw Zayn, who was just wearing his boxers.

The lad smiled. What a great day it was. He woke up with two girls beside him and now Lauren was looking all fresh and pissed in her bathrobe and wet hair.

"Good moaning, babe. You smell like vanilla and jasmine." Zayn grinned, and the girl just gave him a sour look before walking past him.


Lauren and Zayn both looked at Api who was sitting on the kitchen counter with Canelle and Anya. Api's eyes turned to Zayn and the bloke could swear that it gave him a glare.

"Your cat hates me." He told its owner who was preparing the food for the cats.

"I don't blame him." She replied grimly. She then called the three cats. "Come here, guys. Time for breakfast."

The three cats jumped to the floor to eat in their bowls. Zayn shook his head. "Sweet to the cats, but hella bitter to me." He mumbled, then walked inside the bathroom to pee.

Lauren glared at the bathroom door. "Man whore." She rumbled under her breath. She was pissed, not because Zayn dragged two girls with him, she never cared about that. It's because she didn't even have the chance to brush her teeth last night or get a glass of water. The last thing she wanted to see was the three doing their thing in the living room. They could've just went to Zayn's room but no, they chose to get wild even if she was there.

She stood up to head to her room but the doorbell rang. She walked to the front door, ignoring the two girls that were still sleeping on the floor.

When she opened the door, the color drained from her face.


"Hello, Lolo." Lauren's mother chirped with a smile, then gave her daughter a hug and a kiss. "How are you?"

"I-I'm okay." She stuttered, trying her hardest to smile.

"You're surprised, aren't you? Poppy told me where you're staying. I was worried about you."

"Oh. Uhm, I'm fine, Mum. I swear, no need to worry about me."

Mrs. Jauregui sighed. "Yeah, I know. But I miss you. Aren't you going to invite me inside? I brought you macaroons." She said happily, waving the box of sweets that Lauren loved the most.

"Uhm. I-

Lauren didn't know what to do. The living room was a complete mess and her mother shouldn't see that. It was a very bad timing and her mind couldn't function properly.

Mrs. Jauregui frowned at her. "Lolo, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing! It's just, the house is a mess right now and-

The A-hole Next Door (completed)Where stories live. Discover now