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Lauren stared at the sparkling chandeliers hanging on the ceiling. They were decorated with beautiful and colorful butterflies, giving the illusion that hundreds of them were really floating in the air. Flowers were also overflowing around, artfully arranged to the right places. The decorations for Poppy's night wedding were indeed breathtaking and elegant for Lauren's opinion. She could also tell that Poppy and Chase; her soon to be brother-in-law, spent a lot for the magical event to happen. It wasn't surprising for her, because Chase's family were known for their own hospitals and hotels around the country.

"My dearest sister-in-law, what are you doing here all alone?"

Lauren turned her head, her face breaking to a smile.

"Hello, Chase." She greeted him. "Why are you here?"

Chase stopped beside her, then took a drink from his glass of scotch. "I just got out from a series of photo shoots from the garden. The wedding photographer has this unique yet crazy ideas. What about you? Aren't you supposed to be doing the same? The bridesmaids always have these cute and sentimental photos, right?"

"I just finished mine." She replied. The ceremony would start in an hour, so she decided to have a glimpse of the hotel room where the reception would be held.

"Good." Chase said before emptying his glass.

Lauren frowned. "Are you planning to say your wedding vows while drunk?"

"Relax, little sis." He grinned. "It's just my first glass. I'm feeling a bit nervous, that's why."

"Nervous?" She asked in amusement. "You're always confident about everything." She added. Lauren knew Chase since her childhood, because his family was good friends with hers.

"I know right." He agreed, then looked up at the ceiling. "See those butterflies? It's like, they are all inside my chest and stomach now. Fluttering madly. I already threw up a while ago to be honest."

Lauren laughed softly. She thought he was joking, but she realized that he was serious.

"You're fucking serious?" She asked, feeling really surprised that the most popular guy in their town was all anxious tonight.

Chase narrowed his eyes on her. "Whoa there!" He exclaimed. "Look at you, cursing like it's just a normal word! You never cuss unless it's a matter of life and death."

Lauren just snickered. "I've been influenced lately."

"By who? I wanna throw a party for that person, complete with strippers and shit."

"I'm sure he'd love that."

"Ah!" Chase said, nodding. "He? Is this the boy you're seeing? Poppy told me you're finally dating someone. Is this the one you shagged in the boat?"

Lauren gaped at him with horror etched on her face. "What? Who told you that?"

"Lo, we're adults now. No reason to be shy about it." He said, chortling. "Poppy was really happy for you, you know. She won't shut up about how you and your boyfriend look good together. Where is he by the way?"

Lauren pursed her lips. Her chest twisted again, and she had to breathe deeply to ease what she was feeling. "He's not going tonight. He's busy." She croaked softly.

Chase squinted at her. "Busy? Or you two had a row?"

She just shrugged, choosing not to answer his question.

Chase patted her shoulder. "Arguments are normal, Lo." He said. "However, if he won't show up tonight, it's time to call it quits."

Lauren looked at him. "Quits?"

The A-hole Next Door (completed)Where stories live. Discover now