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"Sick party, mate."

"Thanks, bro," Dustin grinned after handing Zayn a bottle of beer. "God, throwing a kids' party is really draining," he added while shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck.

Zayn took a drink from his bottle and smiled. "You and Luigi did a good job, Dus. Ryla enjoyed the party. And the other children, too. Where's your daughter by the way?"

"Upstairs. She fell asleep. She's exhausted."

"I'll be tired too if I dived in the poll of balls the whole day," Zayn chuckled, making Dustin laugh.

"Can't believe she's two," Dustin sighed out with a wistful smile. "Time flies too fast when you're a parent."


"Uh-hmmn. You'll see what I mean once you become one. How was touring by the way?" Dustin inquired while reaching for the box of pizza near the kitchen counter where they were sitting.

"Exhausting," Zayn laughed gently. His band's stadium tour just ended last week. It was a very successful one and they kept on breaking records here and there. "But it was fun. Most of the time it was," he added.

"And the rest of the time?"

Zayn released a deep breath and stared across the room, his eyes fixed on Lauren who was busy chatting with Luigi and their other friends. "The rest of the time I just wanna go home and lie next to her."

Dustin followed where his eyes were focused and grinned. "I have to admit, Zayn. I'm surprised that things worked out between you and Lauren. You were always out of the country and touring the world while she's been busy with her job and her own gallery. You two rarely see each other but here you guys are, still going strong."

Zayn just smiled. Truth was, he too couldn't believe that Lauren was still on his side. It had been two years since they got back together, and he had to admit, things changed. But in a good way. They were more mature now in handling their relationship compared before. If in their first shot they always fought over unanswered calls and texts, now they were more understanding and open minded.

Of course it wasn't always unicorns and rainbows. There were days when they'll both reach their boiling point, but they knew better now. They learned not to let their prides take over and decide for them.

Zayn drank his beer and turned to Dustin. "It wasn't easy, trust me. Distance is a bitch. A bitch that I'm willing to fight for her."

"Damn, Malik," Dustin chirped, patting his shoulder. "I'm so proud of what you've become. You matured so much."

"Love does that to anyone," he smirked. "Look at you, you're now the best dad and the best husband. You used to be so impatient and shit."

"I won't disagree with you," he cackled.

They continued chatting about random things which mainly focused on Dustin's hilarious stories about Ryla. After almost an hour of laughing that sent Zayn to tears, Dustin excused himself for a bit to check on his daughter upstairs.

Zayn was left alone in the kitchen with a box of pizza. A hand suddenly slid around his waist, making him smile widely.

"Mind if I take a slice?" Lauren asked from behind him, her head pressed against his back.

That was the same words that he told her when they first met years ago. The memory made him smile. "Uh, I'm saving this pizza for my girlfriend, so no. Sorry."

She moved and sat beside him. "I'm sure she won't mind if I take one. Or if I take you."

"She would, believe me. She gets jealous easily."

The A-hole Next Door (completed)Where stories live. Discover now