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Lauren took a bite of the cupcake. "Hmm, wow, Dustin! This is really good!"

"Thanks!" Dustin said, feeling really proud that his cupcakes never failed to please people's taste buds. "I'm thinking of decorating them with edible toppers inspired from Avengers. I got some modeling chocolates for it. Tyron loves the Avengers."

Lauren smiled. Tyron is one of the patients in the children's hospital that Dustin works in, and the kid is currently in chemotherapy because of cancer. Tomorrow is the child's birthday and Dustin wanted to give him something special.

"I can help with the toppers." She didn't know Tyron but she was sure that the kid would love the cupcakes, and besides, her hands were really talented in crafts and molding.

Dustin stared at her. "Really? But, aren't you supposed to draw your comics or something? Tomorrow is the deadline, right?"

"I already finished mine, so I'm free to help." The special task that Avan gave her could wait, she had two months to work for it and she didn't want to rush her ideas.

Dustin grabbed the tray of modeling white chocolate from the counter. "If you say so, and I know you're better in this than me." He laughed while giving her the tray. Lauren took it with her at the table, then started to work.

"Luigi locked himself in our room," Dustin said. "He was trying to finish his comic strips before midnight. I already told him that Bobby the Banana is a bad idea, but he didn't listen. Now he needs a new one." He added, shaking his head while putting the rest of the cupcakes in the tray.

Lauren chuckled. "He was dead serious about Bobby the Banana, but Avan didn't like the idea."

Dustin laughed softly. "I don't blame your boss, it's a bit uncomfortable to read, especially with all the sidekick eggs and gravy thingy Luigi is thinking about."

They shared a giggle. Dustin joined her in molding the chocolates. But he made letters, and after a few minutes he decorated five cupcakes with words saying YOU CAN DO IT BABY

He also made a cup of tea. "I'll take these to Luigi, it's past ten and he skipped dinner." He was about to leave the kitchen when Zayn appeared in the door. He was fresh from his band's gig in his leather jacket, skinny jeans and messy purple hair that surprisingly looked good on him.

"I'm exhausted." Zayn exhaled as he pulled the chair in front of Lauren. "Oh, cupcakes! Did you make these?"

"No." Lauren replied grimly, her focus not leaving what she was doing. She continued molding chocolates, while Zayn took a cupcake to eat.

"There's pasta in the fridge, Zayn." Dustin said. "You can heat them up for your dinner. I'll just take these to Luigi." He leaned closer to Zayn to whisper in his ear. "Be nice, okay?"

Zayn winked at him. "Don't worry, mate."

Dustin walked out from the kitchen. Zayn started to heat the pasta in the microwave while Lauren worked in silence.

"Those are really cool." He pointed at the Thor cupcake topper that Lauren already finished. "I don't like Thor, though. I love Hulk the most."

Lauren didn't respond, she didn't care what Zayn liked or not. It would never capture her interest.

"You're not really going to talk to me, eh?" He asked, moving his chair closer to her.

She sighed deeply. "Please, just leave me alone."

He poked his cheek with his tongue. "You still owe me, babe. Your cat broke my guitar, you have to buy me a new one."

She turned to him. "Don't babe me, I'm not your girlfriend." She said sternly but calmly. "And I don't owe you anything. What happened was an accident and honestly, you deserved it."

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