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Zayn felt like a fish out from the water when Lauren's father gave him a grim look.

"Dad, he's Zayn, my friend." Lauren said, looking at her father nervously.

Zayn stretched his hand for a handshake, but Lauren's father squinted at his neck.

"Did my daughter give you that?" He asked coldly, his eyes fixed on Zayn's tiny hickey.

Lauren bit her lip, while Zayn was startled with the question.

"Uh, no, Sir. Me and Lolo are just friends." He uttered, stuttering a bit. He cussed himself inside his head, he just gave the greatest first impression ever. He now hated himself for having this fetish about hickeys.

"Mike." Lauren's father said. "Just call me Mike."

Zayn nodded. "Nice to meet you, Mike."

Lauren cleared her throat. "Dad, where's Mum?"

Lily went out from the living room, with Poppy marching along behind her. Lauren's mother frowned when she saw who was with her daughter.

"What is he doing here?" Lily asked, and Zayn's mouth went dry.

"Hi, Mum." Lauren said, giving her a kiss. "He drove me from London."

"Drove you? Can't you drive by yourself?"

"Mum, can't you just say thanks?" Lauren snapped.

"Don't talk to your mother like that, Lauren Michelle." Mike said with his blank tone.

Lauren bit her cheek. Zayn was already feeling sorry for her, he just wanted to grab her arm and take her away with him.

Poppy broke the awkwardness. "I remember you. Zayn, right? The one with the eye patch?"

"Yes, that's me. Poppy, right?"

"Yes. Good to see you again, thanks for driving my sister home." She said. Lauren suddenly wondered why her older sister was nice today. Maybe that's what happens to people who are getting married soon.

Zayn and Lauren were more than thankful when Grams strutted from the dining room. "Why are you all standing there like idiots? Come on, lunch is ready! Come on, Zayn! Don't be shy, boy!" She said, taking his wrist and tagging him along with her.

The rest of the family sat around the dining table, which kinda intimidated Zayn. It was like eating in a fine restaurant. The fact that it was just an ordinary lunch for Lauren's family made him realize how different his life in Bradford was compared to hers.

Grams made him sit beside Lauren. Lauren smiled at him, assuring that he would be okay.

The lunch was served. The sweet smelling aroma of the food filled in the air. Lobster bisque, grilled oysters, crab and avocado wantons and mixed greens salad occupied the table. There were also garlic mashed potatoes and blueberry muffins.

Zayn leaned closer to Lauren. "Now I know why you got those hot curves."

She glared at him. "Shut up or I'll stab you with my fork." She hissed, and the lad just chuckled softly.

After Grams' prayer, they started to eat. Zayn noticed how well-mannered the people around him are while eating. How gracefully they used their utensils, how quietly they chew their food, and so on.

Except for Lauren. She was different compared to the rest of her family. She ate with her elbows resting on the table, her chews weren't that silent, and she even laughed with her mouth full with food when Grams shared a funny story.

The A-hole Next Door (completed)Where stories live. Discover now