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"Where exactly are we going, Mum?" Lauren asked her mother while staring at the tall oak trees along the road. They have been driving for almost thirty minutes now, and Lauren was clueless about their destination. Her mother picked her up from work and told her that she wanted to show her something. She wanted to sleep because she just arrived from Paris earlier this morning but she couldn't say no to her mom.

"You'll see." Lily replied, smiling. Lauren felt her heart leap. Seeing her mother smile after the terrible things that happened with her marriage was enough to brighten her day.

"How's Zayn?" Lily asked.

"He's good. They flew last night to LA." She answered with an ecstatic tone. The Kidiots were set to perform in forty two venues around USA with The 1975, and she was so proud and happy for her boyfriend.

Lily smiled. "That's nice to hear. His band is getting bigger, huh? I heard their song on the radio once. I like it, pretty catchy."

Lauren looked at her mother with awe. "You're serious? You like it?"

"Old people could also enjoy the modern songs, Lolo." She grinned.

"I thought you hate him."

Lily glanced at her daughter. "I didn't really hate him, sweetie. I was just...uncomfortable with him. The first time I met him, he was taking pictures of two naked girls on the sofa. You can't blame me."

Lauren didn't answer. She knew very well that it wasn't a good first impression.

"However." Her mother continued. "I've seen how happy you are ever since he came to your life. I saw how radiant you are during your sister's wedding."

Lauren blushed. "He really makes me happy."

"And I'm glad about it." Lily answered while removing her seat belt.

Lauren didn't notice that their car stopped already. She looked outside the window and she saw a small lake. Trees and grasses were everywhere.

"Aren't you getting out?" Lily called, who was already outside the car.

Lauren unstrapped her seatbelt. When she climbed out from the vehicle, that's when she realized that they were parked in front of a cream-colored house.

Lily pushed the small, rusty gate which was almost covered with vines and tall grasses. Lauren thought that the garden was a bit abandoned and it could really use a mowing but it didn't stop her to admire the lovely daisies and roses. She was about to ask her mother if who they were visiting when Lily pulled a key from her purse, then opened the house's door.

Lily stepped in, and her daughter followed. The house was a little dusty, but undeniably beautiful. The design reminded Lauren of the Cullen's house in Twilight, and the glass windows of the living room were so huge you could have a full view of the lake across the road.

"What do you think?" Lily asked her daughter.

Lauren looked around, eyeing the furnitures that were still covered with white fabrics. "Are you moving here?"

"Yes. I need a place where I could start over. And the first thing I want to see in the morning are trees and waters. Maybe it will help me move on fast." She answered, staring at the small yet peaceful lake outside.

Lauren understood her mother's point. When she got her job in Zap Comics, her apartment became her sanctuary; her little place where she started over and built her own life away from her family.

"This isn't as big as our house in Oxford." Lily said. "But it has two lovely rooms, and I'm thinking if you want to move in here with me? If that's okay to you, of course. I already paid for this house and I knew right away that you'll like this place. Besides, I'm getting lonely so easy these days." She continued, her voice cracking.

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