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It's Tuesday! Which is my day off school, so here's another chapter for you my lovelies. Enjoy. Please please please vote so I can continue this further, it would be much appreciated! - Emily. ❤️

"I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my bed
They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead."

Felicity decided not to confront Sara about her seeming to know Oliver. She would see how it would unfold on its own.

"Breakfast?" Sara asked a little too brightly.
"Yeah, please." Felicity replied easily. Felicity turned to notice a huge vase of roses sitting on the worktop, freshly watered. "What are those?" Felicity asked Sara suspiciously. Sara turned and looked at what Felicity was looking at. "Oh. They turned up this morning." She handed Felicity the card that went with it.

"Felicity -

Sweet Dreams.

- Jonas."

Felicity smiled at the beautiful flowers, however fake the sentiment was.

Sara turned her back as Felicity hopped onto the breakfast stool, her heart thrumming impatiently. She took out her phone and texted Oliver.

"Hey. Thanks for taking me home last night. Don't remember anything except falling asleep, very sorry about that. And thank you so much for the beautiful flowers, they are wonderful. :) Xxx"

He replied almost instantly.

No worries. You were obviously tired. I hope I can see you again soon? :) x

Felicity contemplated his message as Sara placed scrambled eggs in front of her with buttered toast. "Thanks." Felicity said, not taking her eyes off the phone. "Who are you texting?" Felicity asked. "Jonas." Felicity replied, scrutinising Sara's face for a reaction. Pain flitted across her features before she rearranged her face into a stern smile. "I think you should be careful with that one, Fel." Felicity stared at her.
"What? Why?" Sara shrugged, her shoulders tense under her cute black vest top.
"I don't know. Just promise me you'll keep your wits about you, okay?" Felicity nodded, replying to Oliver.

"Of course. How about tomorrow night? I know a great place. I can pick you up?X"

"Sounds great. See you then ;) x"

Oliver's winky face reply made Felicity's stomach turn and not in a good way. He would need some Intel from her soon, to keep his family safe. She supposed she could tell him where her father was currently. Her father had top security and she highly doubted A.R.G.U.S could catch him. But did she want to help him? He wasn't exactly helping her by seducing her, choice or no choice. She sighed, picking up her fork to eat her breakfast. Her life was getting pretty damn complicated for her liking.


Oliver tensed as he headed into Amanda's office. She wordlessly handed him a new earpiece, then folded her arms glaring at Oliver. "Would you like to explain what the hell went on yesterday, Mr Queen? Preferably before I rip your miserable head off?" Oliver sighed, tensing a bit more at her harsh tone.
"It broke. I don't know what else to say." He said, shrugging. She glared at him icily.
"Any more slips Mr Queen, and I'll see to it that your family get a far worse fate than the one in store for you if you fail this mission." Oliver nodded, once again feeling a strong urge to put this women in a headlock.

"So how did that go?" Roy asked as Oliver jumped into the passenger seat of their car. "Not good." Oliver muttered as a reply, fixing his earpiece into his ear. "Too bad. I was kinda hoping you'd slap her this time." Roy replied, driving back to the apartment. "Oh one day. That I promise." Oliver said darkly.


Felicity headed out with Sara, heading into the city's main shopping hub. Whenever Sara or her we're having a bad day, retail shopping was the cure. Diggle drove them straight there, Sara and her chatting away in the back. "No, you need to get a cute dress. In green." Felicity swivelled her head to look at Sara. "Why green?" She asked curiously. Sara blushed a dark red.
"I don't know. He seems like he likes green." Felicity sighed at her friends obvious lie.
"I'm not going to ask you the truth, Sara. But please spare me the bullshit. I know your lying to me, I've known you for over a year know. To be honest, I thought we got past lying to each other, but obviously I was wrong. So yeah. You decide what you want. Just don't lie to me again please." Sara went very pale and looked at Felicity.
"I can't. I made a promise. But you will know. I promise that. And I'm really sorry for this Felicity. I didn't ask for any of this to happen, to you or to me." Felicity nodded. She wanted to know how they knew each other, so she would have to review the security tapes from when Oliver dropped her off.

Felicity made her excuses to Sara and headed to her room, taking the dark emerald dress she had bought and hung it on her door. She pulled out her tablet and quickly reviewed the footage from the other night.

Felicity sat back, astounded at what she had watched in the library. Oliver did care about her, in his own way. And his family was being threatened, she felt an aching pain in her gut at that. It was a shitty situation she had got herself in, and she had no option but to climb out of it.

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