Lost in Thought

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3K reads!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH! Here's an update as my way of saying thank you to every single one of you. You are all amazing for reading this, ILYSM!!! - Emily💖

"Your the best thing I never knew I needed
Now it's so clear, I need you here always."

Felicity held the phone in her hand the number dialled. All she had to do was to touch the call button. Oliver was next to her and grasped her hand, squeezing it. She smiled at him before pressing it, holding the phone tentatively in her hand, listening to the dialling tone.
"Felicity." Her fathers voice in her ear filled with relief.
"Dad. I'm sorry."

"I understand why your doing this, Felicity, but I need to know where you are. I need to know so I can keep you safe. From A.R.G.U.S."

"Don't worry about them. I'll come back when I'm ready. But give me a timeframe. When are you initiating your... Plan?" Felicity asked, trying to keep the distain out of her voice. She heard her father hesitate. "It's Tomorrow. So come home. I need you to come home, Felicity. I need you to be safe. I have a bunker set up, ready to go. I just need you."

"I can't. Goodbye dad." She hung up, her hands shaking violently.
"Felicity." Oliver said, urging her with his eyes to speak.
"Tomorrow. He's doing it tomorrow."


Felicity stood on the plane tarmac of the plane that was heading to Hong Kong, taking Oliver, Nyssa and her mother with it.

"Mom. I just got you back, something I thought was so impossible. I can't lose you again. Please reconsider this. This is dangerous for all of you." Donna smiled proudly at her daughter, squeezing her hands.
"Felicity. I'm so, so proud of you. You are such a brave, beautiful young women. Please. Let me do this for you. To protect you. Nyssa and I will look out for Oliver, don't worry." Felicity nodded, embracing her mother.
"I love you, mom. Stay safe." Donna nodded, heading onto the plane with Nyssa who nodded at Felicity, patting Oliver's shoulder as he headed towards Felicity. Felicity stepped forward towards Oliver.
"Oliver. Please stay safe. Don't do anything reckless. Please. For me." Felicity said pleadingly, squeezing his hands around hers. "Felicity. Don't worry. We can stop your father's plan by doing this. I have to. We all have to do our part." Felicity nodded tearfully. Oliver smiled and leaned into her mouth, kissing her passionately, pressing his lips against hers, moulding their bodies together briefly before he let her go. "See you soon." Oliver said, his voice croaky. She nodded, and watched him walk away.


Oliver sat quietly on the plane, putting his earpiece once again into his ear, awaiting the more pleasant female voice of his girlfriend. Girlfriend. Was that what they were? A couple?

Once upon a time, he thought he loved Laurel. He had held onto her on the island, but she was a distant fantasy. The fantasy of her being what he wanted, even though he cheated on her multiple times. Even got one girl pregnant. He had absolutely no desire to even look at other women with Felicity. He was afraid to admit it out loud, but he loved her.

When he got back, he would treat Felicity like she deserved. He would introduce her to his family. He would take her on proper dinner dates. He would make a picnic for her and sit out under the stars, he would make love to her in the back of a car like normal couples. But they might never be normal.

"We're nearly there." Donna said, tapping Oliver's shoulder slightly to wake him out of his thoughts. He jolted up, and nodded slightly, blearily wiping his eyes. "Sorry. Lost in thought." Donna nodded, hesitating before sitting opposite Oliver to talk to him. He looked up, looking at the women who looked so much like Felicity. "Your good for her you know. I see the self loathing in your eyes sometimes. You think you don't deserve her. But take it from her mother. You do. Your exactly what she needs. She's exactly what you need as well." She sighed, sitting away slightly from the window of the plane. "I was a cocktail waitress in Vegas when I met Damien. He whisked me away to England, to Spain, to China, he showed me the world. Then I got pregnant, and suddenly everything became a lot more real, and a whole lot more terrifying. We were in Starling at the time and he took me to Starling general hospital, and then straight back to China with Felicity Smoak wrapped up in my arms. I felt like a prisoner. But it wasn't until I realised what Damien was cable of... He took my baby girl from me. She's lucky to have turned out the way she has." Oliver stayed quiet, unsure of what to say.

"Sorry. I have a tendency to babble. One that I passed onto my daughter too." Oliver smiled at that.

"I'm sorry. For what you've been through."

"It's not much compared to your time on that island. Thank you for stopping Fyers, by the way."

"No problem." Oliver replied. Donna smiled, looking at Nyssa who was sat opposite them both. "Nyssa shaped me into the woman I am today. A warrior. I need that side of me to help deafet Darhk. So will you." Donna finished with, moving to leave Oliver pondering her words.


7 years ago

"Dad?" Felicity questioned, staring at her computer screen in front of her. A logo called H.I.V.E was plastered all over the incriminating documents, horrible criminal files stored on her father's computer which she had hacked out of curiosity. Which did kill the cat. What she was currently looking at looked like blueprints for something science related, but she didn't understand. Her father worked as a pilot? Why would he need such things? "Felicity... Please, sit down. I have to talk to you..."

"Yeah. I think that is appropriate."

"I work for an organisation called H.I.V.E, Felicity. It's very top secret. You shouldn't even know it's name. I don't do good things. I wanted to keep you out of it." Tears slid down Felicity's small face.
"What is this?" She gestured towards the screen at the blueprints. Her father sighed heavily, his blonde hair sticking up in odd places. "It's plans for a machine that can save us all. It can wipe away all the bad in the world, a machine that can make earthquakes. We can be rid of the worst areas of the world that plague our society." Felicity looked at her father in horror.
"You are my father. Do not speak to me of your work again. Ever. In fact, stay away from me. Well away." She said, pacing away from her father before he could ruin her any further.

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