Road Trip

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"If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"

Diggle took over the driving duties as soon as they got out of Hong Kong, Felicity succumbed to sleep in the back as Roy took shotgun.

The urban areas of China were passing them by as they headed into more rural territory, something Felicity wasn't very familiar with. She hadn't left Hong Kong for at least 3 years, she felt a sense of unease about being away from her home.

"Felicity. Hey." Roy said gently shaking her awake. She looked up groggily. "What time is it?" She asked.

"It's nearly 2 in the afternoon." Diggle said, still at the wheel.
"Can we stop soon?" Felicity asked.

Roy glanced at Diggle. "I doubt there's going to be any service stations out here..." He said, leaving the suggestion out there.
"Don't worry. There's plenty of bushes, and I packed toilet roll and wipes."

Roy smirked. "We packed condoms. But hey at least we're prepared for anything." Felicity rolled her eyes. She liked Roy, despite his current employment.

Felicity headed back round to the car, Diggle and Roy deliberately not looking in her direction. "Okay. Your turns." She said. They both grinned, and Felicity headed to the driving seat, adjusting the seat to her small size. She discreetly played with the crappy radio, trying to get a signal as she heard the boys coming back over. Roy jumped in the passenger seat as Diggle went to nap. "How far away are we?" Felicity asked, glancing at the sat nav directing them. "About 40 miles now. Not much further." Felicity's stomach did a somersault. They were getting closer to Oliver.

Oliver sat cross legged it in his cell, his eyes closed, listening to the sound of his own heart racing under his chest, the sound of a woman howling next to him, her pitchy cries echoing down the corridor and resonating a sympathetic sad side he didn't know he still possessed. He sat forward, leaning towards her cell. "Hi." He murmured, her cries stopping suddenly.
"Who... Who are you?" She asked, her voice guttural and raspy. "I'm Oliver. What's your name?" He asked her gently.

"My names Carrie. Carrie Cutter."

5 Years Ago

"Officer Cutter. I believe this is your case?" The captain asked the young attractive redhead. She smiled, and little coyly at her superior. "Yes. The Martin Brothers seem to have returned here after their 'hiatus' in Central City, their home. They have currently taken 32 hostages in Starling National Bank and we are taking two teams, which I am leading now, so if you want to be on the task force, we are leaving in five minutes, before this problem can escalate any further. We need to isolate this matter immediately. We need to make sure all hostages are accounted for, that is our main priority."

Officer Cutter and her team best into the building taking out all of the 'extras' keeping the hostages. Carrie lead the people out of the bank quickly and efficiently, When a dark skinned beautiful woman turned, her lipstick smudged that identified her as one of the hostages. "Miss Cutter. Very well done." She said, respect colouring her tone. "Thank you." Carrie replied, before heading back inside to finish her job.


"Where is she?" Damien screamed, throwing her pillows around without mercy. "Sir. We are currently tracking the vehicle however it appears she has disassembled the tracking device."

"Of course she has. She's my daughter." He replied, mellowing a little. Felicity would only be found if she wanted to be, not even A.R.G.U.S could stop her. She obviously had gone to rescue Oliver Queen. Damien's lips curled around the name. The name of the man who destroyed his plans, and destroyed his daughter.


"Okay, we're nearly there." Felicity said gently, nudging Diggle and Roy awake.
"What? Oh. Okay. What's the plan? We can't exactly just roll on up to the gates." Roy pointed out.

Felicity rolled her eyes. "I do have a plan you know. There's actually a hostel just north, outside the local village. It's a popular tourist spot surprisingly, but A.R.G.U.S was there first. I thought we could stay the night and ambush first thing in the morning." Diggle nodded.

"You've been driving most of the night. Do you-" Diggle didn't get the chance to finish his sentence when a military grade tank appeared from nowhere, Felicity swerved to miss it, the car flipped, Felicity was flung from the front seat and everything went black.


Carrie had fucked up. Big time. 19 dead bodies were lying in front of her, red glistening liquid still pouring out of them.

She loved her new job, the thrill, excitement, the lust. But there was one thing that separated her from them. And that was control. Today, that control had been ripped away from her, she no longer felt she had a right to the name Cupid.

She hadn't been recruited straightaway after she first met the mysterious Amanda Waller, but it wasn't long after. She had seen Waller at her crime scenes when she took down the long term enemies of the SCPD. She knew she was destined for great things, but what she had done... There was no forgiveness for that.

She had been blindfolded, drugged and tossed into a van, with no idea where she was headed. All she knew is that she would probably never see the light of day again.

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