Rescue Mission

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been working and revising so much of late! We are halfway through this story now, how exciting!  Enjoy. - Emily💞

"if the water dries up
And the moon stops shining
Stars fall, and the world goes blind
Boy you know I'll be savin' my love for you"

"Felicity. Your up." Meghan said as the all headed out of the car and towards the main gates, about half a mile away. Felicity stayed in the car, pulling her jacket closer over her shoulders. "Good luck." She murmured into her earpiece, concern rising for her new friends and old. "Don't worry, Felicity we will be fine. We'll get Oliver."

"Thanks Dig." Felicity said, her fingers flitting across the keyboard as she hacked into A.R.G.U.S system network to unlock the gates. "Yes!" She cried, pumping her fist when she got in.
"You in?" Roy asked.

"Yep. You guys have about 12 minutes before the gates automatically shut. Good luck." Felicity replied anxiously.

"Come on Oliver." She whispered under her breath.
He was going to be okay. He had to be.

Meghan swooped in, kicking a guard straight in the chest as Diggle came up behind her, punching another.

Roy veered off and ran in the other direction while Meghan and Dig planted their detonators around the building to blow it sky high. "Roy. You have 2 on your right."
Felicity called out into the comms. "Thanks." He replied, swiftly hitting them with smart punches to take them out.
"The prison sector looks to be straight ahead. Thermal imaging shows 2 prisoners. Oliver looks to be the one on the end. But hurry, the clocks ticking."

"Yeah, I got that." Roy replied, picking up the pace and running towards the direction Felicity had pointed him in. "Okay. I'm near the end." He said, slowing down.
"We're clear over here. Well head back to cover our exit route." Meghan said smoothly over the intercom.
"Okay. Roy?" Felicity asked. Roy was standing in front of the prison, Oliver was sitting in the last cell on his hunches, looking at Roy but not quite seeing him, his usual stubble blossoming into a full beard. "Roy." He whispered, his voice scratchy.
"Oliver. Come on. This is a break out mission. Your Felicity is quite the brainiac." At Felicity's name Oliver's face cracked into a faint smile. "Wait. Is she here?" He asked, frowning slightly.

"She's waiting for you. Come on." Roy said, helping Oliver up.
"Wait. We need to let the other prisoner with me out."
Roy frowned, peering into the other cage. "Who's in there?" He asked curiously. He heard a female voice speak up from inside the cage. "Names Carrie Cutter. I'd quite like to leave. It's so unpleasant here." She shakily called out, coming into the light, her bright red hair loose around her face which was covered in bruises and blood.
Roy sighed, glaring at Oliver. "Do we have to let her out?"

Oliver nodded. "Okay. Come on. Let's go." He said, turning the key and letting her out.
She surprised Roy by kissing him fully on the mouth, spurring her tongue into his mouth. He pulled away, blinking slightly. "Could you save that still afterwards maybe?"
Oliver asked, limping towards the exit. "Yeah. Please." Felicity added. "Give Oliver an earpiece." She continued. Roy handed Oliver an earpiece wordlessly, still in shock from Carrie's terrible encounter.
Oliver took the earpiece from Roy and popped the earpiece into his ear. "Felicity. Are you okay?"

Felicity breathed, sighing at the sound of his familiar deep and husky voice. "Am I okay? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
"I'm fine. We're on our way out now. I'll see you in a minute."

"Dig, there's two guards waiting outside. 5 minutes left." Felicity said, biting her nails nervously. Dig and Meghan shot the two guards simultaneously, working together. "You're good." She pointed out passively. Dig nodded. "So are you." He responded. He had new respect for Meghan.

"Okay, two minutes. Are the detonators set?" Felicity asked.

"Yes. Everything is in position." Dig said, patiently waiting for the others. "Okay. We're just coming." Roy said. They headed out to the front of the building, all running out as the time ran out, and the building was blown sky high behind them as they all drove off, leaving the explosion behind them.

"Oliver." Felicity whispered, holding his hand as she drove down the lone path, Carrie sitting on Roy's lap in the back, he looked extremely uncomfortable next to Dig and Meghan, who were both trying not to laugh. "I'm okay." Oliver murmured back to her, trying not to distract her from the not so busy road. "Are you sure?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Just a little bruised. Thank you for coming." He replied, his tone grateful.
"Don't worry about it. I just hope my dad won't be able to find me."

"I wouldn't worry about him. He won't find us." Meghan said, a bitter edge in her tone.
"How can you be so sure?" Felicity asked curiously, looking at the women whose blue eyes had darkened at the mention of her father. "Just trust me." Meghan said.
Felicity carried on driving into the night, the dust settling behind them. Their mission was complete, they had rescued Oliver and the next step was even more terrifying to contemplate. "Keep driving." Meghan instructed. "I'll tell you when to turn."

"Where are we going?" Felicity asked, butterflies settling in her stomach.
"The safe house I told you about. It's in Mongolia, it's all ready to go when we get there." Felicity nodded, concentrating on the winding Chinese roads that were so unfamiliar to her.

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